Press Release

Current inpayment slips to be withdrawn from the market by 30 September 2022

PostFinance has set 30 September 2022 as the final date for the red (IS) and orange (ISR) inpayment slips. This move demonstrates support for digitized accounting and for the replacement products, QR-bill and eBill. PostFinance is working with the Swiss financial center to ensure that the transition process is smooth.

Led by SIX, the Swiss financial center has been harmonizing and digitizing Swiss payment transactions for several years. To this end, the payment methods used by financial institutions, which had previously differed, were standardized according to ISO 20022. The next phase was the launch of the QR-bill on 30 June 2020. This day marked the beginning of the transition period, during which payments can be made with IS and ISR as well as with the new QR-bill. PostFinance has now decided to withdraw the red and orange inpayment slips from the market as of 30 September 2022. This means that the current inpayment slips will be permanently discontinued for all Swiss banking customers.

What all invoice issuers need to do

The transition to the replacement products will require action from invoice issuers and companies with hardware and software solutions. Companies that have not yet started preparing for the transition are advised to contact their bank and software partners immediately. These can assist invoice issuers and companies with the planning and transition work required.

Invoice recipients have a choice

Invoice recipients are already able to enjoy the benefits of the QR-bill and make digital payments. The Swiss financial institutions have modified their mobile and e-banking solutions accordingly to enable invoice recipients to scan in and pay their QR-bills with ease – regardless of whether they are a private individual or a company. QR-bills can also be used at post office counters or terminals to pay bills independently, or they can be sent to the bank by payment order in an envelope.

eBill offers a lot more than the QR-bill and is already enabling people to make seamless digital payments in Switzerland: invoice issuers send their invoices directly and securely to their customers’ e-banking and mobile banking accounts. Customers can then check all the information online and approve the invoice for payment at the click of a button.

QR-bill and eBill developed as a joint endeavour

SIX operates, develops and digitizes payment transactions for the Swiss financial center and is, on behalf of the banks, responsible for the development and roll-out of the new QR-bill and eBill. Much like eBill, the QR-bill incorporates the increased requirements for compliance and automation processes and facilitates digitization.

For more information on the QR-bill and eBill, invoice recipients should contact their banks. Invoice issuers and companies with hardware and software solutions should likewise contact their bank and/or software partner.