PostFinance market view
Publications and videosYou are here:
PostFinance is all about investment expertise – and has been for 25 years. Monitoring economic developments on the financial markets and the global economy is one of the PostFinance investment committee’s core tasks. We are happy to share our expertise with you in our periodic publications and videos, which provide you with easy-to-understand answers to your investment questions.

For the fourth year running, PostFinance has been ranked among the top five asset managers in Switzerland in the custody account performance comparison. Its high level of investment expertise is impressively demonstrated by the very good Sharpe ratio, which measures the returns generated in relation to the risk taken.
12. December 2024
Significant reduction in the SNB policy rate: rather surprising, but helpful against an excessively strong franc
In its monetary policy assessment, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) decided to lower its policy rate by 50 basis points to 0.5 percent. -
6. November 2024
Possible impact of the election of Donald Trump on the global financial markets
The American people have elected Donald Trump as US president for the second time, after a four-year hiatus. The election result was more decisive than the first presidential election eight years ago and clearer than had been expected in the run-up to the vote.
“Investing with foresight” short video
In our video, our CIO provides an update on the current situation on the financial markets and explains events in just a few minutes.
Investment compass

The investment compass provides PostFinance’s house view of the financial markets in concise form. It draws upon our investment and research expertise and aims to provide you with the best, most up-to-date investment appraisals.
PostFinance consumption indicator

The PostFinance consumption indicator shows a year-on-year comparison of Swiss consumer expenditure each month. It is similar to the Retail Trade Turnover Statistics published by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, but is available more rapidly. Our data is also more comprehensive. This allows us to develop additional, seasonally adjusted consumer indicators, which comprise expenditure for specific goods and services (“everyday & household”, “beauty & wellness”, “recreation & leisure” and “travel”).
Investment navigator 2025: A year of change

What can investors expect for 2025? Our aspiration with the annual PostFinance investment navigator is to provide a review of the highlights of the past year, to take a look at today's view of the market and to venture a look into the future. We analyse opportunities and risks and highlight prospects for Swiss investors. If you would like to receive the investment navigator automatically each year, subscribe to the investment compass.
Topics in the current edition:
- Interview: “Rushing things harms returns”
- A look back at 2024: Marked by highs and lows
- Our portfolios in 2024
- Prospects 2025: A year of change
- Opportunities and risks: The big issues for 2025