Sustainability governance

Responsible for sustainability

Sustainability is approached holistically at PostFinance. We use existing committees and structures to ensure that the various aspects of sustainability are addressed appropriately. Our sustainability governance defines a clear and binding structure of responsibilities in relation to sustainability issues.

The organizational chart shows PostFinance’s sustainability governance. The Board of Directors (top level) is organized into four committees: Organisation, Nomination & Remuneration (BoD ONRC), Risk (BoD Risk), Audit & Compliance (BoD ACC) and IT & Digitization (BoD ITDC). Below this is the Executive Board and the Investment Credit Committee (ICC), the Asset & Liability Committee (ALKO) and Internal Control (IK). The Strategy & Transformation management unit works together with the Corporate Responsibility/Sustainability specialist unit and other units. The management and information flows are shown with arrows.

Duties and role of the Board of Directors

The PostFinance Ltd Board of Directors is responsible for defining the sustainability strategy, which is drawn up in conjunction with the Executive Board, the Sustainability department and other relevant units. It sets targets, monitors the implementation of measures and the attainment of targets, and is responsible for the Sustainability Report.

Board of Directors’ Committees

Organisation, Nomination & Remuneration (BoD ONRC)

The Board of Directors’ BoD ONRC Committee is responsible for addressing and reviewing sustainability issues (social, economic and environmental) and for assessing the factor of ecological sustainability in terms of its influence on the variable remuneration for employees in management roles.

Risk (BoD Risk), Audit & Compliance (BoD ACC) and IT & Digitization (BoD ITDC)

In relation to the aspects of PostFinance’s risk policy that explicitly concern sustainability issues, the following areas of responsibility apply: the Board of Directors defines the risk policy and principles of risk management and is responsible for the regulation, establishment and monitoring of an effective risk management system.

The BoD Risk and ACC Committees are responsible for monitoring and control. The BoD ACC also oversees the preparation of the Sustainability Report and approves it for submission to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors’ IT & Digitization Committee (BoD ITDC) examines innovations and ideas in the area of sustainability within the scope of its responsibilities.

Duties and role of the Executive Board

The Executive Board is responsible for operational management of the company. It makes decisions that are of key importance to the entire financial institution in terms of sustainability. In conjunction with the Board of Directors, the Sustainability department and the units affected, it participates in the definition of the sustainability strategy and ensures its implementation.

As part of the sustainability strategy, specific goals and ambitions were defined. The Executive Board is responsible for ensuring that these are achieved. The Board of Directors receives regular reports on the current status of target attainment.


Investment Credit Committee (ICC)

The Committee decides on the management of financial risks in PostFinance’s investment portfolio at the level of individual counterparties.

Asset & Liability Committee (ALKO)

The Committee decides on the management of financial risks in PostFinance’s investment portfolio from a portfolio perspective, including relevant climate-related financial risks.

Internal Control (IK)

The Committee monitors the bank’s overall risk situation and, in particular, compliance with legal provisions and internal directives.

Strategy & Transformation management unit

As a member of the Executive Board, the head of the Strategy & Transformation unit is responsible for sustainability and, accordingly, for the management and coordination of all issues relevant to sustainability within the company (environmental, social and ethical corporate governance). Implementation of the relevant topics and measures is the responsibility of the respective unit or its member of the Executive Board.

Sustainability department

The Sustainability department is responsible for the overall management of sustainability. It defines the relevant sustainability topics as part of PostFinance’s overall strategy, provides impetus in the organization, coordinates sustainability-related activities and is the point of contact for queries on this issue. It supports the business units and other units in drawing up the partial strategies and implementing sustainability goals.

Organizationally, the department is part of the Strategy & Transformation unit, giving it access to the Executive Board. To ensure a comprehensive approach to the issue of sustainability, employees throughout the organization are responsible for this topic within their specialist units. They work closely with the Sustainability department.