Retirement planning

Retirement planning, building up capital and protecting against risks – safeguard your financial future with PostFinance. Find out more about the retirement savings account 3a, the vested benefits account, retirement funds and life insurance.

Retirement planning and retirement advice

Would you like to clarify your retirement planning situation with our experts or are you already planning your retirement? We’re right here for you.

Overview of retirement solutions

Regardless of whether you want to build up assets for retirement, achieve a savings target, protect yourself against the financial consequences of death or incapacity to work or deposit pension fund assets: PostFinance has the right retirement solution for every need – including in combination with funds.

Mehr erfahren Vorsorge im Vergleich Find out more

Retirement savings account 3a

Build up assets for your future over the long term while saving on taxes: the retirement savings account 3a makes this possible. Organize your deposit flexibly and in line with your budget.

Mehr erfahren Vorsorgekonto 3a Find out more

Retirement funds

Make return-orientated investments in your retirement planning: you can choose between retirement funds with different equity components.

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Life insurance

Life insurance policies offer a wide range of benefits, and different service components can be combined to suit your needs. Find the solution that best suits your needs.

Mehr erfahren Lebensversicherungen Find out more

Vested benefits account 2nd pillar

The vested benefits account is an ideal solution if you need to deposit your pension fund assets in the event you are temporarily or permanently incapable of working.

Mehr erfahren Freizügigkeitskonto 2. Säule Find out more