In the current Sustainability Report, PostFinance Ltd provides information on the following non-financial matters in accordance with Art. 964a-c of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO):
- Environmental matters, in particular CO2 targets (including disclosure in accordance with the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures)
- Social matters
- Employee-related matters
- Respect for human rights
- Anti-corruption measures
The results of the annual audit of due diligence obligations and transparency with regard to minerals and metals from conflict zones and child labour in accordance with Art. 964j of the Swiss Code of Obligations are also listed in the report.
From 2024, PostFinance is required to expand its climate reporting pursuant to the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures. The extended reporting on climate matters is also published in the Sustainability Report, along with the disclosure of climate-related financial risks (TCFD) in accordance with FINMA Circular 2016/1, which has been published separately to date.
The report and the figures and performance indicators it contains refer (unless otherwise stated) to the 2024 financial year (1.1.2024 to 31.12.2024). It contains the information required to understand business performance, business results, the company’s situation and the impact of its activities on these areas.