
PostFinance expands its mortgage lending services

Under its 2021 to 2024 strategy, PostFinance is focusing on customer requirements, increasing its innovative strength and improving its efficiency. It is now realigning its position in mortgage lending and optimizing its retail banking services for customers.

From 1 September 2022, advisors will not just offer “yellow mortgages” – provided by PostFinance in cooperation with partner banks – but will now also arrange mortgages via the Valuu comparison site. This means PostFinance will expand its range of services. PostFinance customers will receive comprehensive advice. PostFinance will not just offer them “yellow mortgages” but will also compare mortgages available from various providers if required. As before, they can still compare mortgages independently on Valuu and select and take out the right deal for them.

“Making a virtue of necessity”

On 30 May 2022, the Council of States decided not to proceed with the partial revision of the Postal Services Organization Act (PSOA). PostFinance is assuming the PSOA revision in this form will rule out any possibility of providing its own loans in the near future. The mortgage market nevertheless remains relevant for PostFinance customers. The annual lending volume is around 180 billion Swiss francs. “Our 2021 to 2024 strategy assumes the ban on lending will remain in place. That’s a disadvantage for us, but not for our customers,” explains Hansruedi Köng, CEO of PostFinance. “Firstly, by realigning mortgage lending, we’re optimizing the service for our customers. But we’re also adapting to the framework conditions and are making a virtue of necessity.”

Significant growth of Valuu

In Valuu, PostFinance has created a technical platform and service for comparing and taking out mortgages. Valuu was launched in 2019 and has achieved significant growth in the mortgage platform business within three years. The volume of mortgages arranged through Valuu already stands at just under one billion francs.

In future, Valuu employees will focus on the business-to-business segment, with the comparison site and related technical solution being made available to other companies. Valuu already works with over 80 brokers. PostFinance will now only sell mortgages via Retail Banking. Customers will still be able to take out mortgages in person, over the phone or online.