
PostFinance to launch banking packages

As of 1 July 2021, PostFinance is bundling together its accounts and services into two clear banking packages: Smart and SmartPlus. The new banking packages provide private customers with everything they need to manage their day-to-day finances. Anyone who has invested assets of at least 25,000 francs, a mortgage or a life insurance policy with PostFinance will save on fees.

“Thanks to our two new banking packages, we are creating greater transparency for our customers. From 1 July 2021, they’ll receive the products that are relevant to them at a fixed monthly price,” explains Sandra Lienhart, Head of Retail Banking at PostFinance. The Smart banking package (5 francs per month) comprises private and savings accounts, a PostFinance Card including free cash withdrawal at Postomats, e-finance, the PostFinance App and cashless payment with TWINT. In addition to this basic range of services, the SmartPlus banking package (12 francs per month) offers further advantages. “This means that we can offer our customers everything they need for the smartest way to manage money, at fair conditions and tailored to their requirements – after all, we want banking with PostFinance to be enjoyable.”

The Plus option for adults and attractive packages for children and young people

The SmartPlus banking package includes a free Classic/Standard or prepaid credit card and a discount of 50 francs on the annual fee for the Gold or Platinum credit card. Customers can also use the PostFinance Card to withdraw cash free of charge at all ATMs in Switzerland and abroad. For children, young people and young persons in education, PostFinance offers three attractive, free banking packages: SmartKids, SmartYoung and SmartStudents.

Paper option: flat-rate fee for paper documents

With the paper option, customers will now pay a flat-rate fee of 5 francs per month to receive their documents on paper in addition to the price of the banking package. Besides all regular account statements, credit card statements and annual interest statements, it includes the execution of written domestic payment orders as well as the set-up and modification of standing orders on paper.

Customers can avoid these fees by carrying out their banking transactions online. They will benefit from the guarantee that PostFinance will fully cover any financial damages in online banking that arise from technical attacks, such as phishing or malware. Cover is generally guaranteed up to an amount of 100,000 francs per incident. With this approach, PostFinance provides its customers with security and eliminates obstacles that prevent them from switching to online banking.

Avoid fees with additional products

PostFinance is offering its customers uniform discount conditions for the Smart and SmartPlus banking packages. For private customers with invested assets of at least 25,000 francs, a mortgage or a life insurance policy with PostFinance, the price of the banking package is reduced by 5 francs a month. Invested assets comprise fund investments (including retirement funds), investment solutions and custody account assets in e-trading.

Customers to be provided with information over the next few weeks

PostFinance will assign all private customers a banking package based on their previous usage patterns and will send them a personal letter over the next few weeks to inform them of their allocation and provide all further details about the new banking packages. Until then there is no need for them to take any action. Anyone who wants a different allocation can switch to an alternative banking package. Customers with access to e-finance can see their banking package there as of now.