Swiss Post’s financial expectations were largely met in the third quarter of 2021. In the first nine months of the year, it generated Group profit of 370 million francs, some 234 million more than in 2020, a year impacted by coronavirus, and 107 million more than in 2019. The rise in parcel volumes remains a challenge for Swiss Post, as its staff still sort thousands of parcels by hand. For this reason, Swiss Post is continuing to invest in the expansion and renewal of its infrastructure − for example, its investment in the construction of new regional parcel centers, which will total 1.5 billion francs by 2030.
The result for the third quarter of 2021 was significantly better than in the previous year. The most important key figures – operating income, EBIT and Group profit – are all well above the figures for 2020. However, Head of Finance Alex Glanzmann offers some perspective on these figures: “2020 was severely impacted by the pandemic. As a result, a comparison with 2019 is more useful. If we look back to 2019, we can see that Swiss Post’s financial situation has stabilized.” For example, at 5,427 million francs, operating income in the third quarter is up 127 million over 2019. At 360 million francs, operating profit (EBIT) is lower than 2019, with a difference of 11 million francs. At 370 million francs, Group profit is 107 million higher than in 2019. The result shows that Swiss Post has recovered from the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic in the past year.