Press Release

Start-up tilbago is making it easier to obtain credit standing information with “tilbago CredRep”

The start-up company tilbago – in which PostFinance holds a participation – has been operating successfully for four years with the online payment collection solution of the same name. The company launched a new service on 8 February 2021 – a full-service solution called “tilbago CredRep”, providing credit standing information, which real estate and lending portals or software solution providers can easily integrate.

Tilbago’s online dunning solution makes payment collection much easier. The launch of the full-service solution “tilbago CredRep” for the collection of credit standing information on 8 February means tilbago now meets another customer requirement. “This isn’t some technology-driven innovation for which there’s no market, but a service for which customer demand exists and that we have met by using cutting-edge technology,” says Oliver Wolf, Chief Operating Officer at tilbago. The product was created in close collaboration with the PFLab, PostFinance’s innovation laboratory. “As an innovation participation of PostFinance, the PFLab is supporting tilbago with the market development of existing products and services as well as the creation of new solutions,” explains Sergio Consonni of PFLab.

What makes the new service innovative? “It’s the combination of an end-to-end plug and play service – which operators can integrate into their existing platform and make available to their customers easily – and the fully digitized process that meets the same quality requirements as our online payment collection solution,” underlines Mr Wolf. All steps are performed online – from ordering the extract from the debt collection register to payment and receipt of the documents via e-mail. This means customers save time and benefit from tilbago managing and monitoring the process.

A special feature of tilbago’s full-service solution is the integration of the CreditTrust certificate. This gives end customers the choice of the extract from the debt collection register or the CreditTrust certificate. The CreditTrust certificate is a private sector solution. The advantage over the extract from the debt collection register is that the content of the CreditTrust certificate is not restricted to the register of an individual authority, but contains all available information throughout Switzerland. A further benefit of the CreditTrust certificate is that it can also be delivered immediately on Sundays and public holidays. Tilbago’s “tilbago CredRep” is a unique solution that provides the traditional extract from the debt collection register as well as the CreditTrust certificate in the same solution.

Tilbago believes the new service has great market potential. This is not just because of the high number of 2.5 to 3 million extracts from the debt collection register requested in Switzerland each year, but also because there is currently no complete, fully digitized plug and play solution available that providers can integrate directly into their existing platform. The new solution also represents an opportunity for online payment collection providers to establish the tilbago brand in a broader customer base.

In PostalNetwork tilbago has already secured a trustworthy and reliable partner for “tilbago CredRep”. Since 8 February 2021 private individuals have been able to order their digital extract from the debt collection register online in a few simple steps via Swiss Post’s The link will open in a new window website. Swiss Post’s solution meets the requirements of digitization and provides relevant services for everyday life – whether digital or physical. Customers can still use the physical order channel at all Swiss Post branches if they prefer this option.

PFLab took advantage of the opportunity to provide a product for an innovation participation itself directly on its website. In contrast to PostalNetwork, PFLab decided to integrate “tilbago CredRep”, including the CreditTrust certificate. “Launching a product with our partner tilbago, taking advantage of synergies within the Swiss Post Group while also testing a future-oriented alternative to the traditional extract from the debt collection register is very much consistent with our open-innovation approach and way of working,” explains Mathias Strazza, Head of Future Banking.