Press Release

1.7% pay increase for Swiss Post employees

The social partners – Swiss Post, syndicom and transfair – have agreed, after intensive negotiations, on salary measures of 1.7%, which will apply retroactively from 1 April 2024.

This means Swiss Post will continue to provide its employees with good, fair employment conditions by comparison with the sector. It will improve the purchasing power of employees on lower incomes in particular. The minimum salary is also being raised to over 4,100 Swiss francs per month. In total, the outcome of the negotiations concerns around 28,300 employees of Swiss Post and PostFinance under the collective employment contract (CEC).

Overall 1.7% of the eligible salary sum is available for general and individual salary measures this year. Swiss Post, the syndicom trade union and the staff association transfair reached agreement on this amount after challenging negotiations. The outcome takes account of the economic situation of Swiss Post and PostFinance, the increase in the cost of living and the average pay trend in the sector.

Using a proven distribution matrix, Swiss Post ensures that employees within the lower levels of the respective salary band benefit in particular. The upper and lower limits of the salary bands under the CEC will be raised by 1.7%. This increases the minimum salary by 893 francs, now taking it to 53,396 francs a year or 4,100 francs a month. The outcome of the negotiations concerns around 25,500 employees under the CEC of Post CH and about 2,800 employees under that of PostFinance Ltd, and will apply retroactively from 1 April 2024.

The pay negotiations for employees under the CEC of Post Real Estate Management and Services Ltd, PostLogistics Ltd, notime (Schweiz) AG and PostBus Ltd are being conducted separately. The outcome will be communicated directly to the units concerned. 

Negotiations on the CEC ongoing

In parallel to the pay negotiations, the social partners also held negotiations on a new CEC for Post CH and PostFinance Ltd as well as the agreement on the umbrella CEC. The delegations of the social partners have reached agreement on key elements and will continue their negotiations over the coming weeks. Communication will be provided in due course. 


  • Swiss Post Media Unit, Jacqueline Bühlmann, +41 58 341 00 00,
  • syndicom trade union, Matthias Loosli, Media Spokesperson for Swiss Post/Logistics, +41 58 817 18 64,
  • Staff association transfair, Kerstin Büchel, Head of Sector for Post/Logistics, Member of the Executive Board, +41 76 440 33 33;