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Order and download documents
Whether it’s forms for international payments, envelopes or account statements: you can order the most important documents directly in e-finance.
Account statement, interest statement and tax documents
Download or order statements directly in e-finance. -
Order e-trading tax statement
You can order your detailed tax statement here. -
Confirmation of account relationship
You can request your confirmation of account relationship directly in e-finance or in writing. -
Confirmation of business relationship
You can request your confirmation of business relationship directly in e-finance or in writing. -
Documents for private customers
Download GTC, Subscriber Conditions, brochures, applications, price lists, factsheets and forms. -
Documents for business customers
Download GTC, Subscriber Conditions, applications, price lists, factsheets and forms. -
Sample files for business customers
Various sample files for EPO, CH-DD, OSR, IBAN and account documents in ISO 20022 and SWIFT format. -
Change delivery of account documents
Select for yourself whether you wish to receive your account documents digitally or by post.