Postomats and branches
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Find the nearest Postomat, PostFinance branch or post office with all information about opening hours.
Some customer orders require a signature and therefore cannot be sent via the Internet. Please use the address of your nearest region to submit documents of this kind.
PostFinance AG
Konto Services Region Bern
Mingerstrasse 12
3030 Bern
PostFinance SA
Servizio Conti Regione Sud
Viale Stazione 15
6500 Bellinzona
PostFinance SA
Service de compte Région Ouest
Rue de la Condémine 52
1630 Bulle
PostFinance AG
Konto Services Region Ost
Eternitstrasse 3
8870 Niederurnen
PostFinance AG
Region Ost
Fürstenlandstrasse 122
9020 St. Gallen
PostFinance AG
Konto Services Region Mitte
Funkenstrasse 10
4800 Zofingen
PostFinance Ltd
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Berne
PostFinance’s BIC is POFICHBEXXX