Tip 3: Clarify in advance what costs will be incurred for an international bank transfer
As a PostFinance customer, SEPA payments are free of charge for you; for all other payments to foreign accounts, we charge you a basic fee of CHF 2. In addition to these costs, third-party fees may be incurred from the forwarding banks. With the shared cost option, these third-party fees are deducted directly from the transfer amount and charged to the business partner receiving the payment; with the our cost option, you accept all third-party fees at a flat rate of CHF 22. Please note that even with the our cost option, the recipient bank may still charge credit fees to the recipient on the incoming amount. This is beyond PostFinance’s control.
So if you’re uncertain, check the fees and charges in advance – especially if it is important for a transaction that the entire amount reaches the recipient business partner at a certain time or where large amounts are involved. Our specialists for international payment transactions will be happy to assist you with your queries. If you have any unanswered questions about fees charged by the recipient bank, we advise that you ask your business partner to make further enquiries with their bank.