Six resolutions for greater sustainability after coronavirus


Which new resolutions for a sustainable lifestyle can we take with us into the post-coronavirus era?

The coronavirus crisis has had a powerful impact on our leisure habits and behaviour as consumers. But to what extent has our lifestyle become more sustainable and what will be the lasting positive effects? A representative The link will open in a new window survey conducted by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences in April 2020 investigated precisely this topic. The survey of over 1000 people from all over Switzerland reveals, for example, that when it comes to shopping there’s a clearly observable trend towards regional and Swiss products or that people are spending more time in nature than they did before the crisis. 

So what does the future hold?

Particularly intriguing, however, is the question of how respondents will behave in future. Around 12 percent want to keep looking out for regional products when buying everyday goods and 7 percent want to shop in a local store or farm shop. In addition, 5  percent of those surveyed indicated that in future they would like to fly less in their private lives. These are good signs. And there’s even more we can take from the partial shutdown period. Here are six easy-to-implement resolutions.

Resolution 1: Emit less CO2 with private travel

You don’t always have to head for far-away destinations: regional excursions by bike or on foot can also offer relaxation and fun. Forgoing private travel by car or plane from time to time (even if we don’t necessarily have to anymore) reduces our ecological footprint and makes us all feel a bit fresher.

Resolution 2: Sustainable shopping

Shopping locally for groceries is on our radar, according to the study. But it’s also worth paying attention to sustainability when it comes to other products, such as clothes, furniture, or cosmetics. Find out the answers to questions such as “Where does the product come from?”, “How was it made?”, “What is it made of?” or “Do I really want it?” and only buy what measures up to your ideals.

Resolution 3: Save yourself a commute to work now and then

Not everybody has the opportunity to work from home now and then. But if you do, cutting out your commute occasionally is something you can continue to do in future. From a sustainability perspective, this makes particular sense if you depend on driving to get in to work. 

Resolution 4: Be conscious of the environment

Caught up in the stress of everyday life, we are often not consciously aware of our environment anymore. We are inundated with stimuli. The partial corona shutdown has allowed everything to become a bit calmer. And suddenly you hear the twittering of birds again – and perhaps also a gentle nudge from nature to look after it wherever possible. Even in more hectic times, then, let’s remember to look after the world around us.

Resolution 5: Save food

Lately we’ve been at home more often than usual and have had our refrigerator fully under our control. Food waste at home has stopped being an issue for many people, because good meal planning helps to reduce or even avoid wasting food. In the coming months keep in mind a rough idea of what things you have in and plan your meals accordingly. 

Resolution 6: Greater social commitment

Ask your elderly neighbours if they need anything. Sustainability also means helping out others every now and then – and that’s something we’ve managed to do wonderfully well during the coronavirus period.

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