Fund self-service

Define your investment strategy independently

With fund self-service, you define your own investment strategy. You invest independently in a pre-selected range of proven funds.

Fund self-service: invest your money independently in selected funds

  • Benefit from a clear range of funds

  • Choose and invest in funds independently

  • Your portfolio is available online at any time

  • Invest with individual purchase and/or funds saving plan

Individual purchase: for ad hoc investment

With an individual purchase, you invest a specific amount in a selected fund or purchase a specific number of units. Individual purchase is suitable for ad hoc investment. You can purchase additional units with subsequent purchases.

Funds saving plan: invest regularly

Funds saving plans are a type of standing order where you decide on the frequency and amount of your inpayments: you can invest from 20 francs, either twice a month, once a month, every two months or once every three months.

In Switzerland, over 9,000 funds are available for purchase. PostFinance offers you a clear range of proven funds. You can choose from nine PostFinance Fonds and around 40 third-party funds. These funds can help you diversify your portfolio and tailor it to match your interests. For instance, you have the option of investing in certain regions, industries or in sustainability, or you can focus on a specific area, such as technology, water or food production.


  • Processing of transactions and custody account management
  • Custody account statement, six-monthly
  • Free e-tax statement

You also have the option at any time of viewing your portfolio and performance, executing transactions, and adapting your funds saving plans in your e-finance.

Custody account fees
0.15% p.a. on the average custody account assets
Transaction fees
1.00% issue commission on the subscription amount (max. CHF 1,000 or equivalent value in foreign currency). No redemption commission
Minimum investment amount (initial investment) per fund
CHF 2,000
Funds saving plan
From CHF 20
Follow-on purchase
At least CHF 100

Other price items and information on fees