Cash Management & Multibanking

Manage total liquidity across all banks

The Cash Management & Multibanking Tool (CMT) gives you a quick overview of the liquidity of all your business accounts – i.e. accounts from PostFinance and third-party banks in Switzerland and abroad. You process all your payment transactions with just one login – the e-finance login. Discover the numerous functions free of charge for three months.

CMT: manage liquidity and payments with one login

  • A single login for your third-party bank and PostFinance business accounts

  • Payment transactions and cash management in one place

  • Monitor your liquidity status and forecasts in detail

  • Self-service management of authorizations for third-party bank accounts

Discover the features of CMT in the demo version

To use the demo version, you need a business customer relationship with PostFinance. You can obtain the password for the demo version from your customer advisor or by sending a request via e-mail.

    • Business account at PostFinance
    • E-finance login
  • Central account management

    Manage all your business accounts centrally in CMT via your e-finance login:

    • Register using the contact form via the button “Register for CMT”. A customer advisor will contact you to set it up.
    • PostFinance will then check whether your other banking relationships can be connected. If so, you can conclude the CMT contract.
    • The e-finance login gives you access to CMT for your PostFinance business accounts. You can use this to start connecting your other banking relationships. You will be assisted by our dedicated support team at all times.
    • Once all your banking relationships are connected, you can process all your payment transactions and cash management in one place.
  • Benefit from a free three-month trial period, after which the following monthly prices apply:

    Number of banking relationshipsEBICSSWIFT
    Number of banking relationships
    One to three banks
    CHF 10
    CHF 20
    Number of banking relationships
    Four to six banks
    CHF 25
    CHF 35
    Number of banking relationships
    Seven to ten banks
    CHF 50
    CHF 60
    Number of banking relationships
    More than ten banks
    On request
    On request

    The price depends on how many banking relationships you want to connect. Connecting PostFinance and all your associated business accounts counts as one banking relationship.

    The prices in the “SWIFT” column apply if one of your banking relationships can be connected only via the SWIFT standard.

    • Cash management is the ability to track all of a company’s financial flows, such as inpayments and outpayments. Companies often have business accounts with several banks and therefore also several e-banking logins. This can make payment transactions and liquidity management complex. In this case, multibanking solutions can help provide you with an overview of all business accounts and reduce the time spent on banking transactions.

    • Multibanking is a solution that allows access to accounts at different banks via a software or e-banking interface. Our Cash & Multibanking Tool (CMT) gives you secure access to all your business accounts via the e-finance login.

    • As a rule, multibanking solutions become useful when you have three or more banking relationships. Whether a multibanking solution is worthwhile also depends on how often you use the various e-banking services and how often you log in. The more often you do so, the more worthwhile a multibanking solution is.

    • In the business customer sector, most multibanking software works via the international Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS). EBICS enables payment orders and account information to be exchanged securely between companies and banks.

      More information about EBICS

    • The price depends on the number of accounts and the connection standard. By default, the connection is established via EBICS, which most financial institutions offer free of charge for the exchange of payment transaction data. If your bank doesn’t offer EBICS, the SWIFT communication standard can be considered as an alternative. If at least one banking relationship has to be connected via the SWIFT standard, the SWIFT price applies to the CMT.

      Note: for SWIFT connections, additional costs per account at your bank are to be expected.

    • You start this step after the CMT has been activated. To connect your business accounts, you need a separate EBICS contract for each banking relationship. Our support team will guide you step by step through the third-party bank connection process.

      Use the registration form to contact our support team.

    • If a connection via EBICS is not possible, you should clarify whether a connection via SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is possible. The SWIFT standard also enables data to be exchanged securely. Unlike a connection via the EBICS standard, SWIFT generally incurs additional costs.

    • Yes, that is possible. ERP systems and accounting software can usually be combined with our multibanking solution. We would be happy to advise you on the available options. Please get in touch with us using the contact form via the “Register for CMT” button.

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