In addition to traditional e-commerce, PostFinance Pay is also suitable for invisible payment and one-touch payment. Thanks to the integrated age and address data verification, your customers can save time when shopping. PostFinance Pay allows you to potentially reach around 2.4 million customers, or just under 1 million customers with a PostFinance App.

PostFinance Pay
How customers pay in your online shopYou are here:
Online sales of goods and services have been rising for a number of years. With PostFinance Pay, we offer you a future-oriented, modular solution that we are introducing step by step so that your customers can pay easily and securely in your online shop.
PostFinance Pay: the new payment method
Cost effective and with no fixed costs
Huge customer potential
Gradual introduction
Simple payment process
Payment guarantee and quick credit
Modular range of services
Further development of payment methods
With PostFinance Pay, we are implementing a new payment method for online shops which will replace the two previous “PostFinance Card” and “PostFinance e-finance” payment methods. There is no need to use the PostFinance Card or the reader for transaction processing in the online shop. Customers can process their transactions easily and conveniently via the PostFinance App. This improves the customer experience and lays the foundations for conversion rate optimization.
What’s changing?
PostFinance Pay will be introduced gradually with Payment Service Providers (PSP) from 10 July 2023 and will replace the previous PostFinance Card and PostFinance E-Finance payment methods.
For you as a merchant
- Merging of the two existing payment methods
- PostFinance Pay token (alias): for invisible payments without customer interaction, one-touch payments, recurring payments, and phone/mail-order payments
- Free additional services: date of birth check – perfect for goods and services subject to age restrictions; address check – can also be used for express check-out (guest payment)
For your customers
- Improved and simplified payment process with the PostFinance App
- Authentication exclusively via the PostFinance App
- Standardization and increase of standard limits to CHF 15,000 per month
- Option to register PostFinance Pay as a payment method with online shops, which means that customers will be able to make purchases in the PostFinance App without the need for subsequent additional registration and approval in the future
Offer PostFinance Pay
The following is required to offer PostFinance Pay in your online store:
- A business account with PostFinance or a domestic third-party bank
- An acceptance contract for PostFinance Pay
- A contract with a payment service provider (PSP) that can offer PostFinance Pay
- Online shop software or an in-house development with an interface to a PSP
You already accept PostFinance payment methods in your online shop
PostFinance Pay is integrated with the following payment service providers:
- PostFinance Checkout
- Saferpay (Worldline)
- Wallee
- Payrexx
- Computop
- GoPay (Worldline)
Other payment service providers
All other payment service providers with an interface to PostFinance will implement the PostFinance Pay payment method in the course of 2025.
Procedura per commerciantiProcedure for merchants with PSP PostFinance Checkout and Wallee
- New Subscriber Conditions: All business customers with an existing acquiring contract with PostFinance receive the new Subscriber Conditions for PostFinance Pay once they have changed their payment service provider to PostFinance pay.
- Activation in your online shop: PostFinance Pay is being introduced in stages. Retailers will be informed personally as soon as the new payment method is available in their payment service provider’s back office and can be activated, and as soon as old payment methods can be deactivated.
Procedure for merchants with another PSP
Merchants with a different PSP will receive the Subscriber Conditions and information for activating PostFinance Pay at a later date. Communication will take place according to the timeline of the respective PSP.
You do not yet have any PostFinance payment methods in your online shop
To use PostFinance Pay, you need a business account with PostFinance or a domestic third-party bank. PostFinance Pay is integrated with the following payment service providers and available for you:
- PostFinance Checkout
- Saferpay (Worldline)
- Wallee
- Payrexx
- Computop
- GoPay (Worldline)
Other payment service providers
All other payment service providers that have integrated the interface to PostFinance will implement the PostFinance Pay payment method in their back office over the course of 2023.
To exploit the potential of our large PostFinance customer base right away, we recommend that you subscribe to the PostFinance payment methods. You will be informed as soon as PostFinance Pay is available from your payment service provider and transferred to the PostFinance Pay payment method.
Requirements for your customers
Your customers must have a PostFinance account and a PostFinance App so that purchases can be authenticated.
For you as a merchant, the scope of PostFinance Pay services includes the following four elements:
Key element
PostFinance Pay as a payment method for your customers. The transaction costs amount to 1.3 percent.
Optional elements
- PostFinance Pay token: For invisible payments without customer interaction, one-touch payments, recurring payments and phone or mail order payments. You enjoy a payment guarantee and can offer your customers a great shopping experience with easy and fast payment processing. The masked payment data is saved once to the personal profile of your customers in your online shop during the registration process. This means your customers do not need to authenticate themselves the next time they shop. The PostFinance Pay token is therefore ideal for small to medium-sized payment amounts, spontaneous purchases, bargains, subscriptions and regular purchases. This component is free of charge for you.
- Address check: Can be used for express checkout Depending on the method of integration by your payment service provider, you can query the addresses of your customers or access them directly. In this way you can make it easier for your customers to create a customer account or you can offer express checkout (guest order). This component is free of charge for you.
- Date of birth check: Ideal for goods and services subject to age restrictions Depending on the method of integration by your payment service provider, you can query the ages of your customers or access them directly. When selling goods and services that are subject to age restrictions, this allows you to verify the date of birth without further customer interaction. This component is free of charge for you.
Find out how “PostFinance Pay with token”, “Address check” and “Date of birth check” work in our The link will open in a new window demo shop.
Consent management for your customers
Your customers have an overview of the tokens used at all times in e-finance. They can see:
- In which online stores PostFinance Pay has been registered as a payment method (token)
- What other data the online shop acquires (date of birth / delivery and billing addresses are communicated)
- Which limits are applied
While PostFinance payment methods offer you and your customers advantages, so does our Checkout Flex payment system or our Checkout All-in-One payment solution, which allows you to configure your payment processes according to your requirements. Test the payment-service-provider solution for 30 days free of charge.
Checkout Flex
Enable maximum flexibility with an e-payment system that you can quickly and easily connect to your online store with a plug-in.
Checkout All-in-One
The full service package is your complete e-payment solution that can be integrated into your online shop quickly and easily with a plug-in. With our complete solution, you only have one contract, one statement, one credit – and PostFinance as a reliable partner.
- With PostFinance Pay, a commission of 1.3 percent is charged based on the amount per sale or return
- For larger volumes, we will inform you of the price on request
- Merchants with a business account at PostFinance: The commission is charged monthly
Also possible without a PostFinance account
Merchants with an account at a domestic third-party bank: The commission is deducted directly from each transaction.
- Factsheet: PostFinance Pay (PDF) The link will open in a new window
- PostFinance Pay Subscriber Conditions The link will open in a new window
- Customer information on the introduction of PostFinance Pay (PDF) The link will open in a new window
- PostFinance Pay in our demo shop The link will open in a new window
Logo file
Online shop software, a payment service provider, an acceptance contract for PostFinance Pay or the PostFinance payment methods, and an account with PostFinance or a domestic third-party bank.
Integration of a PostFinance Pay token depends on how your payment service provider (PSP) is integrated. Consult your PSP’s interface specification.
If the actual payment process cannot be noticed or seen, this is referred to as invisible payment.
The payment process in the SBB app, for example, is a classic one-touch payment. Customers purchase and pay directly with a single click. For this to work, a payment method token (alias) is required. PostFinance Pay token is a free additional service from our new PostFinance Pay payment method.
The PostFinance Pay token can be saved in an online shop or app in which customers regularly make purchases. The purchase and payment is then performed with a single click (one touch) or is handled invisibly – e. g. with a subscription to a streaming or software provider.
In online stores, payment can often be made as a guest, in other words, registration and verification of the customer account are not necessary. However, for you as a merchant to know where to send the goods, your customers must provide their address during the checkout process. PostFinance Pay allows you to receive the address data directly from your customers without them having to type in the address details. This makes the shopping process easier for you and your customers.
Do you have any questions about PostFinance’s payment solutions?
Arrange a personal consultation and get comprehensive advice from our experts.