- Your company is domiciled in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein
- You are starting a private limited company (Ltd) or a limited liability company (GmbH)
- Your capital payment account is managed in Swiss francs and can be used for the following cases: starting capital payments, ordinary capital increases, approved capital increases and subsequent payments (payment of capital that is not fully paid in)
- If there are more than 20 depositors, PostFinance must be contacted in advance. PostFinance does not accept crowdinvesting solutions
- The business relationship with PostFinance will continue after your company has been founded

Capital payment account
Deposit starting capital safelyYou are here:
Are you starting a private limited company (Ltd) or a limited liability company (GmbH)? You can deposit your starting capital safely in your capital payment account until it is converted into a business account once you’ve founded your company. The account is also suitable for capital increases and subsequent payments.
Capital payment account: deposit starting capital
Account for starting capital, capital increase and subsequent payment
Secure safekeeping of your starting capital
Seamless transfer of your capital to the PostFinance business account after setting up a company, a capital increase or subsequent payment
Inexpensive service
Comprehensive advice from PostFinance
The following fee will be charged once:
- Starting capital: CHF 145
- Capital increase/subsequent payment: 0.05% on paid-in capital (minimum: CHF 250; maximum: CHF 2,000)
The fee for the capital payment account is exempt from VAT and will be charged for the opening and management of the capital payment account.
Current interest rates
No interest is paid on the capital payment account.
Outpayment of capital
For existing customers, the amount paid in is transferred to the company’s business account at PostFinance once the company has been founded or once the capital increase or subsequent payment (filing of an extract from the commercial register) has been completed. For new customers, the capital payment account is converted into a business account.
Exclusive startup package: account management free for two years
Once you have successfully started a business, you will benefit from an exclusive startup package with PostFinance: we’ll waive the account fees for your business account with e-finance for two years. What’s more, other attractive offers await you.
When you found a Ltd or GmbH company or make capital increases, the capital has to be deposited at a bank, as set out in the Swiss Code of Obligations. In just a few steps, we’ll help you to open the required capital payment account:
- You issue PostFinance with a request to open a capital payment account.
- Your PostFinance advisor helps you to fill out the relevant forms.
- To ensure that the capital can be paid in immediately, you will receive the capital payment account number by e-mail.
- You receive the capital payment confirmation on paper.
- You instruct a notary to proceed with the company formation, capital increase or subsequent payment. You inform PostFinance of this by providing a new extract from the commercial register. In the case of capital increases, subsequent payments and payments of capital with a premium, a copy of the publicly certified resolution of the General Meeting and/or the Board of Directors, in which the capital payments are shown, must also be sent to PostFinance.
- Finally, we convert your capital payment account into a business account (if you are a new customer) or transfer the amount to your existing business account (if you are already a PostFinance customer).
Open a capital payment account
To open a capital payment account with PostFinance, you must first become a customer. We support customers with an existing banking relationship with PostFinance personally in the opening of a capital payment account, capital increases or subsequent payments.
Open a capital payment account
Become a business customer to pay in the starting capital for your private limited company (AG) or limited liability company (GmbH) or carry out a capital increase/subsequent payment.
You are already a business customer
Our employees will be happy to help you personally with opening your capital payment account (startup, capital increase or subsequent payments) for your private limited company (AG) or limited liability company (GmbH).