Outpayment slip OSR

Fast and secure cash outpayments

Whether salaries, repayments or other outpayments in cash: With the outpayment slip, you can process your outpayments in cash quickly and securely – without specifying a recipient account.

Outpayment slip OSR: for fast cash payments

  • Creditor procedure for outpayments in cash to recipients without an account

  • Options include periodic data delivery via e-finance or file transfer for business customers

  • Transfers up to CHF 10,000 possible

  • Automatic booking in your financial accounting software


To use outpayment slips, you must have a business account. One of the printers authorized by PostFinance must again be assigned the printing of the outpayment slips.

The following are the authorized printers:

Here’s how it works

  1. You receive (pre-printed) OSR slips from one of PostFinance’s authorized printers.
  2. Fixed amounts can be specified or the relevant field can be left blank and filled out by hand.
  3. The amount will be paid out to the recipient at the post office counter and debited from your account.

Outpayments OSR/OSR+

Up to CHF 100
CHF 4.20
Up to CHF 500
CHF 4.40
Up to CHF 1,000
CHF 4.60
Each additional CHF 1,000 or fraction thereof
CHF 0.70

In addition, a postal charge is payable for sending the OSR/OSR+ to the recipient.

Outgoing data delivery

The credit file is delivered electronically in e-finance and is free of charge.

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