Cancel a credit card

If you want to cancel your PostFinance credit card, the process is quick and easy. Find out here how to cancel, what deadlines you need to take note of and what happens to your remaining credit.

Cancellation form and cancellation address

We are sorry to hear you would like to cancel your credit card. You can cancel your credit card free of charge at any time. The cancellation form can be used for all credit cards. This includes the Visa Card, Mastercard and the Visa Business Card. Please send the completed and signed form to:

PostFinance Ltd
Card Center
Eternitstrasse 3a
8870 Niederurnen

Questions and answers

  • No. There are no notice periods, and you can cancel your credit card at any time.

  • No. As stated in the Subscriber Conditions, section 8, there is no entitlement to a pro rata refund of the annual fee.

    The link will open in a new window Subscriber Conditions for PostFinance credit cards and prepaid cards (PDF)

  • Any bonus you have accumulated up to the cancellation date will be paid to your PostFinance account.

  • If your credit card has positive credit on the cancellation date, this will be paid into your PostFinance account.

  • If you pay for subscriptions or online services with your card, please inform the providers in good time that you have cancelled your card. Otherwise, they may continue to debit your card account, and you will be billed for this in spite of the cancellation.

  • No. Insurance coverage ends following cancellation.