Transfer custody account

Do you want to transfer or make an incoming or outgoing delivery of securities within existing e-trading custody accounts? Select the relevant form.

Securities delivery from a third-party bank to PostFinance

Are you transferring your security to e-trading? We will cover your transfer fees up to 800 francs.

Please use the following form to send the necessary details to your current bank:

    • The six or seven-digit contract number of your e-trading custody account. You can find the contract number in the “Overview of assets” widget in the e-trading portal.
    • The details of the positions to be transferred.
    • The details of our processing bank (please copy in full):
      Swissquote Bank SA
      Back Office – Settlement
      Ch. de la Crétaux 33
      Case Postale 319
      CH-1196 Gland
      Fax: +41 22 999 94 42
    • Your current bank will execute the transfer of your securities for you.
    • As soon as the transfer has been carried out, you will see the securities in the “Positions” widget in e-trading.
    • You will be charged the security transfer costs by your bank. This may happen in several stages, as it may not be possible to transfer all positions at the same time.
    • Please scan all your receipts and send them to us to obtain the reimbursement.
    • Send a message with the subject “E-trading securities transfer” in e-finance under “Contact and Support”.
    • We will contact you and explain how to transmit your receipts.
    • PostFinance will reimburse these expenses to your private account (by around the tenth working day of the month after submission of the expense receipts).

Securities delivery

Do you want to transfer your PostFinance securities to another provider? Please use the following form for the securities delivery, taking note of the relevant prices and conditions for e-trading.

Securities transfer

Do you want to transfer securities to another custody account within existing e-trading custody accounts? Please use the following form for the securities transfer.