Press Release

PostFinance enables “staking” of cryptos

Around one year after launching the trade and safe custody of cryptocurrencies, PostFinance is expanding its service to include a “staking” function. This will allow customers to generate passive income by depositing cryptocurrencies. PostFinance is the first systemically important bank to offer this functionality.

PostFinance made the trade and safe custody of cryptocurrencies accessible to its customers in February 2024 in cooperation with Sygnum, a FINMA-regulated digital asset banking group.

The service now also includes a “staking” functionality. For the time being, the new “staking” option will be available in e-finance and in the PostFinance App for the cryptocurrency Ethereum. The plan is to connect other cryptocurrencies in the near future.

“Staking” involves depositing cryptocurrencies for a certain period of time. While they are deposited, they help support the security and operation of the respective blockchain. The direct benefit for customers is that they receive regular “staking rewards” for depositing their cryptocurrencies. By depositing the currency, crypto investors can thus generate passive income. 

PostFinance’s “staking” service offers a high level of transparency and security

The new “staking” service from PostFinance is characterised by simplicity and security. Dr Alexander Thoma, Head of Digital Assets at PostFinance: “The “staking” service is based on “native staking”, which takes place directly on the Ethereum blockchain and thus offers maximum transparency and security”. For example, PostFinance customer can participate in “staking” from just 0.1 ETH.  Dr Alexander Thoma highlights another advantage: “The “staking” service is completely integrated into PostFinance’s existing services. This means that customers can see their “staking rewards” directly in their asset statement, together with their other crypto assets”.