Crypto trading

Find cryptos without a long search.

Enter the crypto world now with PostFinance: choose from our range and trade around the clock in a secure environment.

The best crypto service in Switzerland

In 2024, PostFinance was named the leading financial institution in Switzerland at the Swiss Crypto Awards for its innovative crypto solutions.

Swiss Crypto Awards. Best Crypto - / Digital Asset Offering 2024

Receive regular staking rewards

With staking, you can benefit from passive income by storing your cryptocurrencies for a certain time and supporting the crypto network.

Crypto: trade cryptocurrencies in a secure environment

  • Trade cryptocurrencies independently 24/7

  • Secure access to the crypto market

  • Custody of your assets in Switzerland in accordance with the highest security standards

  • Invest small amounts regularly with a crypto saving plan

  • Invest from as little as 50 US dollars

In order to be able to trade crypto with PostFinance, the following preconditions must be met:

  • You must be a PostFinance customer
  • Your (tax) domicile must be in Switzerland
  • You must have a Swiss ID card, a Swiss passport or a B, C or C1 foreigners’ residence permit as a form of identification
  • You must open a crypto portfolio for yourself. Partner accounts cannot be opened at present

Open crypto portfolio

To invest in cryptocurrencies, you require a crypto portfolio. You can open one of these quickly and easily via e-finance or the PostFinance App.

Buy cryptocurrencies

Have you already opened a crypto portfolio? If so, there are two ways you can invest in cryptocurrencies.

Individual crypto orders

With a single order, you invest a one-off amount of your choice (starting at 50 US dollars) in a cryptocurrency from our range. You can place individual orders at any time, directly in e-finance or the PostFinance App.

Crypto saving plan

Invest regularly in a cryptocurrency from our range with a crypto saving plan. You can set up or change your saving plan directly in e-finance or the PostFinance App. You determine the amount (from 50 US dollars) that you invest in cryptos and the regularity of the orders (weekly, monthly, every two months or quarterly).


To stake ethereum, you need a crypto portfolio and at least ETH 0.1. Start off with step 2 if you already have a crypto portfolio, or step 3 if you have at least ETH 0.1 in your portfolio.

  1. Open a crypto portfolio: open a crypto portfolio in e-finance or in the PostFinance App.
  2. Buy ethereum: buy the amount of ethereum you want (minimum quantity for staking: ETH 0.1).
  3. Stake ethereum: stake the amount of ethereum you want and select whether you want it to be automatically staked again after 12 months or if you want the staking order to expire.

When putting together our crypto range, we take account of various factors, including quantitative and qualitative characteristics. This means that factors such as size and market capitalization play a role, but the maturity of a protocol and its business model are also analysed. This enables us to ensure that we offer our customers a clear range of cryptocurrencies.

  • Trading, portfolio management and portfolio overview at any time in e-finance and the PostFinance App
  • Quarterly asset statement
  • Staking from 0.1 ETH


Portfolio fees
Excl. VAT of 0.15% p.a. on the average portfolio assets
With larger portfolio assets, the portfolio fees are reduced
0.15% from CHF 0.00 p.a.
0.10% from CHF 500,000 p.a.
0.05% from CHF 1 million p.a.
Trading fees
0.95% on the trading amount
Minimum amount per individual order
USD 50
Crypto saving plan
From USD 50
Staking fee
20% on rewards
  • At PostFinance, you can trade cryptocurrencies from our crypto range directly in e-finance or the PostFinance App – in the secure and familiar environment of your bank.

  • No. At PostFinance, you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies from our range without having to set up a cryptocurrency wallet yourself.

  • The keys to the digital assets are held in Switzerland in accordance with the highest security standards.

  • As a private individual, you can subscribe to a crypto portfolio in your e-finance or in the PostFinance App. This allows you to trade the cryptocurrencies in our range.

  • If you trade crypto with PostFinance, portfolio fees and trading fees apply. You can find more information on this under “Fees and conditions” on this page.

  • Yes. Cryptocurrencies are considered assets and must be declared and taxed as assets. With PostFinance, you receive an annual overview of your digital assets for your tax return.

  • The price, value and returns of cryptoassets can fluctuate and may lead to the loss of all capital invested. You should therefore familiarize yourself with the basics of crypto trading and cryptocurrencies before investing in a cryptocurrency.

    Go to the crypto blog

  • Open a crypto portfolio quickly and easily via e-finance or the PostFinance App.

    Via e-finance

    You have a login and would like to subscribe to crypto directly in e-finance.

    The link will open in a new window Log in to e-finance

    Open via the Postfinance App

    1. Open the PostFinance App and, on the homepage, go to the “Offers” section in the bottom left-hand corner.
    2. Select under “Open products” “Investing”
    3. Under “Crypto” select “Open now”
  • PostFinance calculates the return for your crypto portfolio based on TWR (time-weighted return). This lets you compare portfolios. However, there may be differences from the simple return, as different key figures are involved. You can read the key information about portfolio valuations in the factsheet.

    The link will open in a new window Portfolio valuation factsheet (PDF)

Open crypto portfolio

Open your crypto portfolio to invest in the cryptocurrency of your choice.

Overview of cryptocurrencies

Do you already have a crypto portfolio? Get an overview of our crypto range and invest directly in the currency of your choice.

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