Stake and receive rewards

Staking is an easy way to generate additional income with cryptocurrencies. It’s so simple: deposit your coins for at least 12 weeks and get regular staking rewards in the process. We let you do this in a secure environment from ETH 0.1.

Staking: earn regular rewards

  • Staking from ETH 0.1
  • Receive staking rewards
  • Minimum term of 12 weeks
  • Automatic extension possible

With PostFinance, you can stake if you:

  • have a crypto portfolio with PostFinance
  • have at least ETH 0.1
  • do not plan on selling the cryptocurrencies you’ve staked in the next 12 weeks
  1. Open a crypto portfolio and purchase at least ETH 0.1 or select the ethereum amount you want, straight from you current crypto portfolio.
  2. Tap on “stake” to lock up a selected ethereum amount for 12 weeks. During this period, the position staked cannot be sold. You have the option of automatically extending the staking order once the staking term has expired. PostFinance collects the staking orders and stakes once a week. A timer in e-finance and in the PostFinance App notifies you of the next staking date.

If you have staked a position, the rewards earned will be regularly credited to you over the course of the term to your crypto portfolio. These rewards are available immediately to you, and can either be sold or staked there and then.

Want to learn more about staking? Click here to go to the blog post

Staking fee: 20% on rewards received

  • Staking rewards are rewards customers receive for retaining and locking up cryptocurrency, i.e. staking. Staking rewards are credited in the cryptocurrency in question, so in the case of ethereum, you receive ETH.

  • With staking, the validators are usually rewarded with a mix of newly minted coins and the transaction fees, which network users pay to send transactions. The exact mechanisms vary by blockchain.

  • Essentially any cryptocurrency that is based on the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. With PostFinance, you can currently stake ethereum. We will offer other coins in due course.

  • The staking rewards are credited regularly to your crypto portfolio.

  • The staking rewards are displayed in the crypto asset statement. This gives you all the information you need for your tax return in one place.

  • You can stake ethereum for 12 weeks. Once this period has expired and the unstaking process has concluded, the coins are available to you again.

  • No, the coins you’ve staked are locked up until the end of the term.

  • In the event a validator node acts improperly, staked cryptocurrencies and/or staking rewards are forfeited either partially or completely. There is a risk of the market price of the staked cryptocurrencies being higher or lower than previously during the lock-up and waiting periods or after they have elapsed.

Open crypto portfolio

  1. Log in to e-finance or the PostFinance App.
  2. Open your crypto portfolio under Products/Offers > Investing > Crypto.
  3. Select ethereum (ETH) and buy the amount you want. 

Receive regular rewards

You already have a crypto portfolio with PostFinance and would like to stake ethereum?