Range of services for customers

Responsible, accessible, transparent

Customer satisfaction is a key element of PostFinance’s commercial success. In our view, responsible product development processes, needs-based advice, a positive customer experience and transparent communication are crucial to achieving this.

Product range

We feel an increased need for sustainability-related banking services. That is why we offer our customers the option of responsible investment solutions. For example, we take account of ESG aspects such as the environment, social issues and responsible corporate governance in almost all retirement planning and investment solutions, and publish ESG reports for our in-house investment solutions.

Promoting financial literacy among the Swiss general public

Our commitment to financial education includes for example the long-established MoneyFit programme for children and young people, which help pupils to build their money management skills in a fun way. MoneyFit also includes a range of workshops for training companies that allow apprentices to prepare for financial independence, as well as the Family Guide, which helps parents answer their children’s questions about money in a way that suits their personal parenting style.

Barrier-free access

We ensure that accessible services are provided online, at our branches and at the Customer Center. Applications for blind and visually impaired people are generally made accessible. Our branches are also generally designed to ensure that they are easily accessible for all customers.

Diversity in our external image

In 2023, PostFinance became the first advertising company in Switzerland to sign up to the Gisler Protocol. It is committed to diverse representation of gender in marketing, communication and advertising. We joined the Gisler Protocol because it is important to us to help reflect our diverse society and create more connectivity for very different groups of people and lifestyles. The Gisler Protocol now has over 160 members from all over Switzerland.

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