Children, parents and money: fit for finances with the Family Guide


Parents are crucial role models when it comes to managing money responsibly. But it isn’t always easy. PostFinance’s Family Guide on offers fun and interactive support. It is a part of our long-term MoneyFit commitment, that also includes services for schools and training companies.

At a glance

  • Children come into contact with money from a young age. Parents are very much a role model when it comes to managing money.
  • The PostFinance The link will open in a new window Family Guide on (German) helps parents answer their children’s questions about money in a way that suits their personal parenting style.
  • The Guide is free and is designed for parents and anyone involved in raising children between the ages of 6 and 12 .

PostFinance offers suitable accounts, cards and apps for children and young people so they can manage their pocket money and savings in a smart way.

Managing your money well makes life easier. And as with many things in life, the earlier you learn how to manage money, the better prepared you are for it later. Children come into contact with money from a young age – whether it’s paying for something at the checkout, discussing the family budget at home or spending their pocket money. Parents play a vital part here: they are the first and most important role models, who show how to manage money smartly and responsibly.

Arm yourself with the Family Guide to answer your children’s money questions

But anyone who has children themselves, or who is involved in raising children knows only too well that this isn’t always an easy task. No doubt you know the situation where your child wants money for something but in that moment, you’re not sure whether to give it or not. The Family Guide from is just the thing for these kinds of dilemma. It helps parents and other caregivers in a fun and intuitive way to find an answer that suits their personal parenting style.

Here’s how the Family Guide works

As in the reality of family life, the Family Guide takes as its starting point a question or statement from a child on the subject of money. Let’s assume that your child is unhappy with their pocket money and asks “Can I have more pocket money?”. How would you react? On our platform, you can choose between four answers, compare your answers with another person’s answers and delve into the topic further by asking additional questions. Experienced experts also give recommendations for each situation that suit your parenting style. Last but not least, the Family Guide also encourages you to think about your own way of dealing with finances and the example you are setting for your children.

Try the Family Guide now

The Family Guide on is designed for parents of children aged between 6 and 12 and for anyone involved in raising them. It tackles questions from various money topics such as “Can I buy this skin?” (Topic: in-game purchases), “Can I have more pocket money?” (Topic: pocket money) or “Why should I save my pocket money when I’ll get more next week?” (Topic: learning to save). Looking for answers and recommendations? Simply try out our free Family Guide on (German).

Find out more about families and money

MoneyFit for schools and apprenticeships

The Family Guide is part of our long-term MoneyFit commitment, which PostFinance offers to strengthen the financial skills of children and young people – via free learning resources for primary, secondary and upper secondary schools or in workshops for training companies. 

MoneyFit for school: learn fun skills for managing money

MoneyFit offers schools free learning resources on how to manage money and on teaching financial skills. What’s extraordinary is that children and young people can learn through their experiences based on everyday life. Depending on the school level, the range of topics includes savings, payment methods, market pricing and sustainable consumption, as well as payslips, purchasing and financing. Alongside teaching materials where classes learn to manage their money through stories and tasks, there are videos, challenges and a quiz four times per year where the prize is a contribution to the class fund!

Financial and budgeting competence workshops for training companies

There are also MoneyFit services for training companies. When a person’s first salary payment arrives in their bank account, they have to start making their own financial decisions in earnest. Training companies of all sizes that want to teach apprentices financial and budgeting competence as well as professional skills have the opportunity to book workshops. They can choose between the free standard workshops ‘Managing your salary’ or ‘Financial independence’, and customized workshops subject to a charge that are ideal for inclusion in a training camp programme. 

Financial lessons instead of financial debts

All in all, MoneyFit is also a school for life: people who understand money, can work out a budget and have their spending under control will breeze through everyday life and will hopefully remain debt-free for life.

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