Whether we’ve worked all our lives, brought up children or struck out with our own business, we all have the same goal: to set aside a tidy little sum for our old age. But investing money not only makes sense for long-term savings goals, it can also be a way to achieve more near-term goals – that world trip you’ve long been wishing for, that dream car, that dream house for your family.
To understand why investing money is worth your while, particularly given today’s low interest rates, let’s take a look back at the past. While at the turn of the millennium you still earned around 4% interest on risk-free investments such as medium-term notes and savings accounts, that rate has been declining steadily. Since the financial crisis in 2009, interest is often no longer paid on investments of this kind.
Indeed, “parking” money at some financial institutions has in the meantime become a losing proposition. If you include annual inflation, fees and taxes in the calculation, your capital decreases every year. And if there are then negative interest rates on top of that, as is the case with some providers, customers really start losing money.
So if you’re looking to increase your money despite negative interest rates, you should really invest it. There are enough opportunities available for investing money without having to take a big risk. You can find more information and reasons to invest your money in our article “Why invest money? Here’s why!”.