Fund self-service

Invest the way you want

With fund self-service, you invest your money independently in selected funds. You benefit from a clear range of funds. You can also set your own priorities and diversify your portfolio as you wish – from as little as 20 francs per month.

Fund self-service: you invest your money independently in selected funds

  • Benefit from a clear range of funds

  • Choose and invest in funds independently

  • Your portfolio is available online at any time

  • Invest with individual purchase and/or funds saving plan

Fund range

In Switzerland, over 9,000 funds are available for purchase. PostFinance offers you a clear range of proven funds. You can choose from 15 PostFinance Fonds and around 40 third-party funds.

The full range of funds in detail

Find the right fund with additional selection criteria.

Open a fund custody account

You require a fund custody account to invest in fund self-service. You can open one of these quickly and easily via e-finance or the PostFinance App.

More information can be found in “Questions and Answers”.

Subscribe to funds

Have you already opened a fund custody account? You have two options for investing in fund self-service:

Individual purchase: for ad hoc investment

With an individual purchase, you invest a specific amount in a selected fund or purchase a specific number of units. Individual purchasing is suitable for ad hoc investments. You can purchase additional units with subsequent purchases.

Funds saving plan

You can set up a funds saving plan directly in e-finance or by using an order form. This enables you to periodically invest in funds of your choice – every two weeks, monthly, every two months or quarterly. From as little as 20 francs (or the equivalent value in a foreign currency), you can regularly invest in 15 PostFinance funds or around 40 funds from third-party providers.

  • Processing of transactions and custody account management
  • Custody account statement, six-monthly
  • Free e-tax statement

In your e-finance, you also have the option at any time of viewing your portfolio and performance, executing transactions, and adapting your funds saving plans.

Custody account fees
0.15% p.a. on the average custody account assets
For higher custody account assets, the custody account fees are lower

0.15% from CHF 0 p.a.
0.15% from CHF 250,000 p.a.
0.10% from CHF 500,000 p.a.
0.05% from CHF 1 million p.a.

Transaction fees

Issuing commission on the purchase amount
(max. CHF 1,000 or equivalent in foreign currency):

0.5% for money market and bond funds

0.75% for strategy and equity funds as well as alternative/other funds

0.00% redemption commission

Plus statutory levies (e.g. federal stamp duty) and currency conversion fees

Minimum investment amount (initial investment) per fund
CHF 2,000
Funds saving plan
From CHF 20
Follow-on purchase
At least CHF 100

More information on the fees

  • With fund self-service you can choose between 15 PostFinance funds and around 40 funds from third-party providers. You first open a fund custody account. You can then subscribe to funds independently with your fund custody account.

    Test fund self-service with our demo version.

  • You can access your fund custody account in exactly the same way as your bank account. You can also access your fund custody account through e-finance or the PostFinance App. You can choose between different funds and subscribe to them quickly and easily at home or via the app.

    You can also access this investment product via an advisor or with a paper application.

  • You can open your fund custody account easily in e-finance via the fund self-service investment product. This means you can subscribe to funds and access your fund custody account from anywhere. Find out more about our The link will open in a new window fund self-service product.

    Test fund self-service with our demo version.

    You can also access this investment product via an advisor, with the PostFinance App or with a paper application.

  • In e-finance under “Assets”, look for “Fund self-service” and select “Subscribe funds”. Next, select the desired funds in the fund selection and decide whether you want to make a one-time or recurring investment by means of a funds saving plan.

    You can also use this investment product conveniently via the PostFinance App.

  • We are happy to share our expertise with you in our periodic publications and videos. The PostFinance investment compass provides you with PostFinance’s market opinion of the financial markets and the latest investment assessments in a compact form.

    Continue to PostFinance market view

  • Yes. Depositing of funds is possible as long as the funds are also part of our fund range.

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