Checklist: the documents you need for your mortgage


The key to securing a good mortgage deal is being well prepared. But which documents do you have to present to take out a mortgage? Find out here what you need. Our downloadable mortgage checklist also tells you where you can find or obtain the documents needed.

If you’d like to take out a mortgage, your lender will ask you to provide some details. They need this information to assess whether you can afford the mortgage loan and to avoid you suddenly finding yourself faced with financial difficulties due to your future home. Lenders are also obliged to check and document borrowers’ documentation for regulatory reasons.

In this blog, we provide a list of the personal documents you’ll need to take out a mortgage with PostFinance.

Personal documents

Are you employed (i.e. not self-employed)?

  • A copy of your ID document (ID card or passport
  • Copy of residence permit (for foreign nationals)                                          
  • Up-to-date salary statement or pension payment slips
  • Copy of last tax return, including insert sheets (self-declaration with all forms)
  • Debt registry extract (no older than six months)
  • Authorization to request/forward information from PostFinance Ltd

Are you self-employed?

  • A copy of your ID document (ID card or passport)
  • Copy of residence permit (for foreign nationals)
  • Financial statements, including balance sheet and income statement for the past three years
  • Copy of last tax return, including insert sheets (self-declaration with all forms)
  • Extract from the commercial register
  • Audit report for the past three years (for private limited companies (AG))
  • Debt registry extract (no older than six months)
  • Authorization to request/forward information from PostFinance Ltd

Financing documents

  • Proof of equity for new purchases (account statements, custody account statements)
  • 3a account balance statements (for pledge)
  • Pension fund statement (for planned anticipated withdrawal, an offer with pension fund track record after anticipated withdrawal is also required)
  • Life insurance policies including terms and conditions of insurance and current life insurance company repurchase value (for pledge)
  • Copy of most recent mortgage statement (for redemption)
  • For other property in your possession: proof of the mortgage costs, as well as the official value 

Documents about the property

  • For single-family homes: cubature (building volume, generally shown on the building insurance document; if not available, official estimate required)
  • In the event of no cantonal building insurance: copy of building insurance policy
  • Current extract from the land registry (no older than two months)
  • Purchase contract copy/draft if property purchased less than 36 months ago
  • Site map/cadastral copy
  • Construction plans and construction description with gross and net living space in m²
  • Breakdown of renovations
  • Leasehold contract stating building lease interest, duration and the amount of compensation for reversion (if property is leasehold)
  • Sales documentation and estimated market value (if available)
  •  Photos (interior and exterior view)

Is the property a condominium?

  • Condominium declaration
  • Condominium ownership regulations 

Are you renewing an existing mortgage?

  • Mortgage contract and calculation

Mortgage checklist to download or print out

You’ll find all the documents you need to take out a mortgage or replace an existing one in our checklist, which can be downloaded or printed out. The checklist also tells you where to find the relevant documents – e.g. from your municipality, pension fund or financial institution. 

Order an extract from the debt collection register online

With our partner tilbago, you’ll get your extract from the debt collection register in PDF format via e-mail – digitally signed and forgery-proof. Complete the process with ease online 24/7.

Order extract from the land registry

If you want to buy or sell a house in Switzerland, you need an extract from the land registry. PostFinance can obtain this document for you in most cantons. If you wish to do this independently, you’ll find a list of addresses of all land register offices and other sources on the Federal Office of Justice’s (FOJ) website.

Do you have any questions about preparing your mortgage application?

PostFinance’s experts will provide you with clear professional advice. Would you like to arrange a consultation? It’s easy to do online.

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