There are lots of decisions to make before buying a new car. Purchasing a new vehicle is a major financial outlay for most people. These key pointers aim to ensure you don’t overlook anything important.
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Key pointers: what to bear in mind when buying a new car
You’re planning to buy a new car or trade in your old one. Following these key pointers will help ensure everything runs smoothly when you buy your new car – and they also cover car insurance.
What do you need a car for?
Think about the requirements your new car must meet: do you need a larger new vehicle as you’re now a family of five? Do you need a car that’s suitable for business? Or does it have to be able to handle all types of terrain because you like visiting the mountains? Listing your requirements will help you to find the right kind of vehicle.
Think about financing and also take account of ancillary costs
Should you use your savings to purchase a car or is leasing a better option? The first thing to consider before buying a new car is how to finance it. Don’t just include the purchase price but also ancillary costs such as:
- Depreciation
- Costs for additional equipment, such as ski and bike racks,
- Taxes,
- Repairs, servicing,
- Fuel
- Insurance,
- etc.
Compare prices and terms carefully
Have you decided on a type of vehicle? Then it’s well worth carefully comparing not just the purchase price but also features and guarantees.
If you’re trading your old car in for a new one, it’s best to get several quotes. It’s a good idea to look for a comparable vehicle on car sales websites to work out a price as a negotiating basis.
Skilful negotiation
When buying the car you want, ask for discounts or extras. It’s also worth asking about discontinued models or demo cars. You can often obtain a better price through skilful negotiation with the salesperson.
Buying at the right time
Exhibitions and the end of the year are good times to buy a new car.
Select the car insurance best suited to your new car
You’ll want to wrap your new car in cotton wool to make sure nothing happens to it. Carefully change your insurance policy to meet your requirements, ensuring your car’s features are covered, for example.
- Liability insurance is mandatory. You can’t register your car or obtain a number plate without it. You quite simply can’t drive your car on the road without liability insurance. This comes into play if you cause damage to other people, animals or property with your car.
- Fully comprehensive insurance is advisable for new vehicles. This covers the costs of damage to your own vehicle in an accident where you are at fault or by vandalism, for example. It’s definitely the best option for new or expensive cars. Taking out fully comprehensive insurance is mandatory for leasing vehicles.
- Check your options: think about which options you wish to take out, such as gross negligence cover, which provides protection against the financial consequences of an accident caused by gross negligence, or a replacement value supplement where the value of the vehicle as new is paid out in the event of a total write-off or theft over a certain period of time (usually two years).
Taking out insurance for your new car is very straightforward
Making comparisons and calculating premiums is easy to do – for example, by using an online premium calculator, such as the one provided by PostFinance car insurance. Your insurance policy can be taken out directly here to ensure you’re well insured when you drive your new car for the first time.