PostFinance is one of 142 financial institutions around the world to join the PCAF. How can these institutions benefit from being involved in this initiative?
This brings to mind an old quote from management studies: “What gets measured, gets managed.” Financial institutions themselves can obtain a solid statistical base that is easy to understand, measure and compare that they can draw on to make decisions on additional measures. Emission intensity can, for instance, be a possible (but not the sole) factor when it comes to selecting securities for investment business or lending. Information about financed emissions can also be an important indicator for stakeholders, such as customers, who can use it to identify the financial service providers important to them. Through their involvement, financial service providers also benefit from being able to share best practices, improvements to available data, developments to the methods used and regional-specific analyses. To make progress towards mitigating the effects of climate change, cooperation is key. With this in mind, it’s very encouraging that PostFinance is one of the first financial service providers in the DACHLi region to join the PCAF Initiative.