
2024 study: how automated is your e-commerce? Take part now

Do you want to know where your company stands in comparison to others when it comes to e-commerce automation? That’s exactly what the e-commerce automation study 2024 aims to find out. Take part in the study. It’s worthwhile: thanks to a benchmark comparison, you can see the level of automation in your company and identify areas for development.

Automatic, not manual: automation of e-commerce is a vital success factor for all companies that trade online. E-commerce automation means use of software that optimizes a company’s sales and business processes, enabling previously laborious processes to be made more cost-effective and efficient. Errors are minimized, leading to an improved customer experience. 

The e-commerce automation study is back for the second time

But just how advanced is your company’s e-commerce automation? The e-commerce automation study aims to answer this question. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland’s School of Business and e-commerce agency MySign are carrying out the study in 2024 for the second time. The 2024 study is focusing particularly on the topics of artificial intelligence and e-commerce.

The advantages for you of taking part in the e-commerce automation study 2024:

  • Participation is free of charge.
  • Based on your answers, your company’s maturity index will be generated in the form of a hexagonal spider diagram as soon as you complete the questionnaire. This lets you see at a glance how you compare to others on the market, where you’re doing well and where there is room for improvement.
  • The results will be published anonymously in June. The report will be delivered to you, and you’ll also be invited to the presentation on the study on 13 June.

Tip: get ready to automate your e-commerce

Do you want to optimize your e-commerce strategy? If so, you should familiarize yourself with the e-commerce automation canvas. With this strategic management tool, you can check your business model and e-commerce strategies for automation potential and work out clear development processes.