Health insurance

Your own individual health insurance solution

Thanks to our cooperation with Sanitas, you have the opportunity to get comprehensive advice on finance, pensions and health care at 34 PostFinance branches.

Comprehensive advice on finance, retirement planning and healthcare provision

At 34 PostFinance branches, you can now seek advice not only on finance and retirement planning, but also on healthcare provision. This has been made possible by our partnership with the health insurance company Sanitas. Together with our new healthcare partner, we offer you an even more comprehensive consultation experience in a single place.

Just like PostFinance, Sanitas also consistently promotes simple, innovative and digital solutions and supports customers from all walks of life with optimal services.

With over 800,000 satisfied customers, Sanitas health insurance is one of the largest health insurance companies in Switzerland. It offers individual health insurance solutions for compulsory basic insurance and additional insurance.

Sanitas is characterized by the following in particular:

  • Suitable insurance solutions
    Regardless of whether you favour alternative medicine, attach particular importance to privacy in the hospital or are looking for a cost-efficient basic insurance model – Sanitas offers its custom-ers the ideal insurance solution for every phase of life.
  • Outstanding customer satisfaction
    Year after year, Sanitas achieves outstanding results in independent customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Straightforward
    The Sanitas portal enables you to handle administrative matters relating to health insurance smoothly and offers valuable advice for a healthy life – all in a single app.

Sanitas services

The experts at Sanitas will provide you with comprehensive, competent and needs-based advice on insurance models for basic insurance and additional insurance, and will support you when you switch health insurance provider. The protection of your data is guaranteed at all times.

Comprehensive advice at a single location

You can get comprehensive advice on finances, pensions and health care at all PostFinance branches.

Seamless mediation

If you wish, our advisors will refer you to the experts at Sanitas, who will work with you to clarify your health care needs and help you find the optimal health insurance solution.

Strong partners for every life situation

With PostFinance and Sanitas, you have two strong and innovative partners at your side that provide optimal solutions in every life situation.

  • Depending on the insurance from Sanitas, the customers’ insurance contract partner is Sanitas Grundversicherungen AG, Sanitas Privatversicherungen AG or Sanitas Management AG (Jägergasse 3, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland).

  • No, PostFinance acts only as a contact agent for Sanitas.

For example, are you thinking about switching health insurance companies in order to enjoy better services and attractive benefits? If you wish, our advisors will be happy to refer you to the experts at Sanitas. They will advise you directly at PostFinance branches on the right health insurance model and will help you easily initiate the change of health insurance provider.

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