wikifolio certificates

Investing better together

wikifolio certificates allow you to invest in the trading ideas of talented traders and capital market experts. Anyone – regardless of how much capital they have available – can select their favourites and take advantage of these trading ideas via an exchange-traded financial product.

wikifolio certificates: investing in trading ideas

  • Trade wikifolio certificates in CHF (BX Swiss) and EUR (Euwax) directly in e-trading

  • Opportunities to generate returns in any market conditions through a wide selection of trading ideas

  • Possible losses due to issuer risk are largely hedged against

  • Pursue different trading strategies for each custody account

A wikifolio is a trading idea, the strategy of which is published by a trader or asset manager on the social trading website If the trader’s strategy attracts enough support, it can be turned into a wikifolio certificate. Detailed overview of the procedure:

  1. creating traders and managing trading ideas in sample custody accounts, which are known as wikifolios, on
  2. These wikifolios form the basis for exchange-traded wikifolio certificates which reflect the performance of a wikifolio
  3. These wikifolio certificates are available for trading in e-trading

All information on wikifolio certificates, such as transactions and key figures, can be consulted at

wikifolio certificates are exposed to the following risks which can lead to price fluctuations and total loss in extreme cases:

  • Issuer risk: issuer risk involves poor performance of the wikifolio certificate due to the issuer’s creditworthiness. Potential losses due to issuer risk are largely protected against through the collateralization of the wikifolio certificates.
  • Market risk: market risk is the risk of possible losses due to poor performance of the base value of the wikifolio certificate.
  • Currency risk: currency risks include poor performance in terms of the redemption value and the secondary market price for wikifolio certificates, caused by fluctuations in the exchange rate.
  • Liquidity risk: liquidity risk is the risk that the wikifolio certificate cannot always be sold at an acceptable price.

Other risks may arise depending on the nature of the wikifolio certificate. Further information on this topic can be found in the documentation on the wikifolio certificate concerned under

Basic fees

Certificate and performance fees are included in the calculation of the value of a wikifolio. At you can see full price information (minus certificate and performance fees) right up to the previous day.

Purchases, sales and custody accounts

The prices and terms and conditions of e-trading apply to the purchase, sale and safekeeping of wikifolio certificates in e-trading.

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