Rituals voucher

Simply purchase online and give as a gift

Treat yourself or someone else to a Rituals voucher. After all, there is the perfect gift for everyone in Rituals’ luxury range of cosmetic products for beautiful skin and deep relaxation, and its gift sets and room scents.

Rituals voucher: available for purchase 24/7 via the app or in e-finance

    • Purchase vouchers online and redeem them or give them as a gift

    • Choose between different amounts
  • Redeem vouchers online or in-store in Switzerland

Available amounts

  • CHF 25
  • CHF 50

You will not be charged any additional fees upon purchase.

Purchase and send Rituals voucher as gift

With the PostFinance App

Log in to the PostFinance app and select Offers > Purchase and send voucher as gift.

Download the app directly from the App Store or Google Play:

In e-finance

Log in to the e-finance app and select Products > Vouchers.


  • As soon as you’ve purchased your Rituals voucher, click on “Get voucher”. A view will then open in your browser where you can display the Rituals voucher by clicking on the printer icon. Here you will find the card number and PIN number you can use in the online shop, as well as the barcode you can use in all Rituals stores. You can save, print out or re-open the voucher when you redeem it using the method outlined above.

  • When purchasing via the PostFinance App, you can personalize the vouchers and give them as a gift. Select a design and add a personal text to the voucher. Send the personalized voucher or print it out.

  • You can redeem the Rituals voucher online at The link will open in a new window rituals.com or in Rituals stores throughout Switzerland. To redeem the voucher in the rituals.com online store, copy the gift card number and PIN code and paste the numbers in during the payment process under “Add gift card”. To redeem the voucher in your local Rituals store, open the Rituals voucher in the PostFinance App and show the barcode when paying.