Cancel account

We regret that you want to close your account . You can cancel your account free of charge and usually within two working days simply and quickly in e-finance or in the PostFinance App.

Cancel account in e-finance

Cancel your account in the App

You can cancel your account in the PostFinance App in the settings. To do this, select: More > My products > click on the three dots next to the relevant account.

If you are a private or business customer without e-finance or with collective signing rights: complete and sign the form and send it to us.

Address for cancellation via form:

PostFinance Ltd
Scan Center
3002 Bern

  • No, there are no fees if you cancel your account. You can close the account free of charge. We will transfer the remaining credit balance to your preferred account.  


  • Consider what new account you wish to have your credit balance transferred to. Have all relevant account details to hand. 

    Note that other PostFinance products and services are also terminated on cancellation. We will contact you to discuss details.

    •  Private or salary account
    • Savings account
  • Yes, via e-finance or the App, you can cancel accounts you no longer actively use at any time. The banking relationship is only terminated if you no longer have any PostFinance services.

  • No, you can cancel the account at any time. It generally takes two working days before your account is closed.