Forms for pillar 3a

With a retirement savings account 3a, you can save for your retirement and actively plan your retirement provision whilst enjoying tax benefits. Here you will find relevant information and forms on topics such as anticipated withdrawal for encouragement of home ownership, requesting payout of your retirement assets or making changes to your beneficiaries.

You can use your retirement savings account 3a to make your dream of home ownership come true. You can use the credit either for the purchase or construction of property, or to amortize an existing mortgage. You may make an anticipated withdrawal every five years.

In the event of death, the credit in your retirement savings account 3a will be paid out to family members and surviving dependants in accordance with the statutory order of beneficiaries. Use the corresponding form to apply for a payout.

Do you want to apply for a payout from your retirement savings account 3a? Payouts are possible in certain circumstances, e.g. retirement or when emigrating from Switzerland. To do this, use our general payout form and take note of the required documents based on your reason for payout.

Do you want to transfer your retirement assets to another employee benefits institution such as a pension fund or retirement savings foundation? Use our transfer form to do this quickly and easily.

The order of beneficiaries determines who receives the credit from your retirement savings account 3a in the event of death. You are able to modify the order of beneficiaries in line with the legal provisions. Use the corresponding form to make changes.

Even after reaching the regular OASI reference age, you can continue your retirement savings account 3a or open a new one, as long as you are in employment. Use our form to confirm you are in gainful employment and to continue your retirement savings account.

Is there a notice period for the pillar 3a?

No. There is no notice period for the pillar 3a. However, credit can be withdrawn only in certain circumstances, e.g. retirement, buying property, starting self-employment or emigration.