Make day-to-day card use even more secure with the following recommendations:
- Keep your card in a safe place and check regularly that it’s still in your possession
- Keep your PIN a secret – don’t write it down, don’t pass it on, and cover the keypad when you enter the PIN
- Do not be distracted when using the card – if you are in any way uncertain, cancel the transaction immediately with the stop button
- Have your card blocked immediately if it’s lost, stolen, swallowed at an ATM, or if you suspect fraud – as an e-finance customer, you can block and unblock your cards in e-finance
- Protect yourself against skimming (PostFinance Card) by activating geoblocking in e-finance and restricting cash withdrawal abroad
- Personalize your card limit in e-finance
- Never give out your card details via e-mail, via a site from a link in an e-mail or for information purposes – this is probably an attempt at fraud
- Monitor your account activity regularly, and contact us if you have any questions
- Activate 3D-Secure in the card settings