Launching a successful business in ten steps


PostFinance supports entrepreneurs from the first step to the launch of their business and beyond. A few tips for entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs  who  start their own businesses are passionate people. They fight for their ideas. They work with the right partners to allow them to fully focus on key tasks, such as launching their product on the market at the right time, stimulating demand and turning ideas into innovations. Entrepreneurs seeking to set up their own companies should take note of the following ten points.

A company can be founded in Switzerland in four main and six small steps: business model, business and financial plan, legal form – for example, sole proprietorship, limited liability company, private limited company or general partnership – and identity in addition to capital payment account with account opening  at a bank, inpayment, confirmation, certification, registration of the foundation of the company in the cantonal commercial register and commencement of business activities.

Step 1

Everything starts with a profitable business model for the start-up. The founder must assess, evaluate and review this business model. For example, by calling in a neutral person, through intensive market analysis or as part of start-up competitions. The Business Model Canvas is a frequently used tool. It can be useful to find out how and with which business model other Swiss start-ups have succeeded. 

Step 2

The business or financial plan represents the main foundation. A financial and business plan is required, even before the newly formed company has a specific legal form. This document makes start-ups aware of the risks and opportunities, but also of access to financing. It is the company’s blueprint which determines whether a business idea will actually succeed on the market. The business plan generally comprises 20 to 30 pages. In practice the following structure has proven itself although it is possible to diverge from it, as long as the document remains consistent, logical and strategically well thought out:

  • Brief summary
  • Company
  • Services, products and value proposition and service
  • Markets
  • Competition
  • Marketing
  • Market introduction
  • Location/creation/administration
  • Management and internal organization
  • Risk analyses
  • Innovation
  • Finance
  • Application (e.g. to risk capital providers)

Step 3

The legal form, other procedures and the location determine the legal and organizational framework of the future company. Courses, such as those run by the The link will open in a new window Institut für Jungunternehmen IFJ, provide support with making such decisions. Please note: sole proprietorships bear liability with their private assets and only have to be entered in the commercial register if they are managed according to commercial rules or generate total annual revenue of over CHF 100,000.

Step 4

Applying for the capital payment account from the financial institution is the first step to obtaining a business account.

Step 5

The starting capital is transferred as soon as the account has been opened. The amount depends on the legal form and is governed by law.

Step 6

The financial institution issues a capital payment confirmation.

Step 7

The foundation of the company is then publicly declared by a notary.

Step 8

The foundation of the company is registered with the cantonal commercial registry.

Step 9

The extract from the commercial register is sent to the financial institution.

Step 10

The financial institution can now complete the account-opening process. There is no longer anything standing in the way of commencing your business activities.

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