Setting up a business made easy – with online start-up services


Setting up a company can seem like a daunting task at first. The process of setting up a company can be more or less complex depending on the selected legal form, but it always requires effort. What support do online startup services provide for the startup process?

At a glance

  • Online start-up services help company founders get through the start-up process step by step and offer legal support.
  • These services reduce the admin work required and ensure no important steps are missed, re-gardless of the legal form chosen.
  • The 2024 study on the startup market in Switzerland provides some fascinating insights: a new startup record and the desire for more freedom characterize the Swiss startup landscape.

You’ve got your brilliant business idea, written your business plan and acquired your start-up capital. Now your progress towards your final goal is stalled because you have so many unanswered questions about the actual process for starting your business. It’s the same for other company founders and startups. According to our latest startup study, some people seek help when preparing to start a company: About a third of company founders in Switzerland rely on the support of specialized consulting companies, such as the services provided by the IFJ (Institut für Jungunternehmen).

5 findings from the 2024 study on the startup market in Switzerland

  • New startup record: Switzerland’s startup momentum remains intact, with over 51,000 new startups in 2023 and a trend of further growth in 2024.
  • Top motivation: freedom and self-realization. For 40% of founders, the desire for more freedom and independence is the top priority. Only 8% cited a higher income as the main motivating factor.
  • Financing mainly private: between 66% and 82% of startup capital comes from private sources. Around half of the founders work in a different job at the same time in order to finance the startup.
  • Popular sectors and legal forms: advisory and consulting, architecture and construction as well as consumer goods and retail dominate the startup landscape. The limited liability company (41 percent) and sole proprietorship (40 percent) legal forms are almost on a par with one another.
  • Challenges and concerns: financial risks and administrative issues are the main concerns prior to founding a startup. Freedom from concerns rises after setting up a company: 39% of respondents said they no longer had any worries.

For more information and inspiration, download the “2024 study on the startup market in Switzerland” (PDF).

How complex is the process of starting a company?

The extent and complexity of the startup process is governed chiefly by the chosen legal form of the new company. For example, the administrative cost of founding a sole proprietorship is much less than for setting up a company. Whereas sole proprietorships are often founded directly with the commercial registry without receiving prior advice, many people who set up corporations receive legal or notarial support.

Step-by-step support for starting your own company

Online company startup services support you step-by-step to start your company and assist you with legal and notarial advice. We answer the most important questions about starting a company with a digital startup service.

What are online startup services for company founders and startups?

Online startup services support company founders and startups during the company startup process. Depending on the chosen legal form of the company, the startup process may require different steps such as entry in the commercial register, notarization of incorporation, registration with the compensation fund, VAT and accident insurance, and completion of an occupational pension plan. With an online startup service, company founders are supported and guided step by step online during this process.

What are the advantages of an online business startup service?

Such services reduce the workload for company founders and guide them step by step through the process of setting up a business. Whether you are setting up a sole proprietorship, a limited liability company or a private limited company – an online startup service covers everything you need to know. This allows company founders and startups to focus on building their business without having to spend too much time on administrative tasks. Company founders can also be sure that the start-up process will be handled quickly and professionally.

How do online company startup services work?

With IFJ, for example, company founders enter the data required for the startup process via an online form. This information is then reviewed by a partner law firm and added to, if necessary. The partner law firm also prepares all documents for setting up the company and saves them in a data-protected area of the platform. The founders print out these documents, sign them, and return them by mail. In the final step, the IFJ’s legal experts and notaries complete the startup process. The company founders themselves do not have to be on-site.

Get started with our attractive startup package

Want to start a company? PostFinance offers company founders an attractive startup service. For example, with e-finance you will not pay any account management fees for two years. Our insurance partner will also assist you with any insurance-related matters.

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