Retirement planning is always well worth it. After retirement, the pension income you get from state (OASI) and occupational (OPA) pension plans will generally be lower than your previous income. Pension gaps may also emerge if you work part-time, or if you have interrupted your employment – for instance, for further training, parental leave or a round-the-world trip. Paying into pillar 3a can help you plug these gaps. Here’s what you need to know about retirement planning with pillar 3a.
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We show you how much you can pay into pillar 3a
Until when and how much money can I pay into the retirement savings account 3a each year? In this article, you will find out which statutory maximum amounts apply for 2025 and which dates you must observe to ensure that your transfers and orders to your retirement savings account 3a can be booked by 31 December and taken into account for the 2025 tax year.

How much can I pay into pillar 3a?
Seize the opportunity to exhaust your pension solution 3a up to the annual maximum amount whenever possible. By doing so, not only are you saving up for more financial peace of mind in retirement, but you can also save a maximum of taxes, as you can deduct these payments into pillar 3a from your taxable income.
Pillar 3a: these are the maximum amounts for 2025
Payments up to the stipulated maximum can be made on an annual basis. For 2025, this means in concrete terms:
- Are you an employee with an OPA pension fund? You can pay in a maximum of CHF 7,258.
- Are you a worker without a pension fund? You can pay in up to 20% of your earned income, up to a maximum of CHF 36,288.
Under what circumstances can I pay into pillar 3a?
To pay into pillar 3a, you must be at least 18 years old and earn an income subject to OASI.
How can I calculate my tax deduction amount if I pay into pillar 3a?
You can completely deduct the annual amount you pay into pillar 3a from your taxable income up to the legally defined maximum allowance – regardless of whether you make payments into a retirement savings account 3a, retirement funds or 3a life insurance. Our “Provide for the future and save on taxes” calculator enables you to calculate with just a few clicks how much tax you can save annually with your pillar 3a inpayments and how your inpayments will develop over time.
How long can I pay into pillar 3a?
Generally until you reach ordinary OASI pension age. If you can prove you are still in gainful employment beyond the ordinary retirement age, you can maintain pillar 3a for a maximum of five years and continue paying into it during this time.
Can I pay into pillar 3a retroactively?
In seguito a una modifica dell’ordinanza entrata in vigore il 1º gennaio 2025, è ora possibile, a determinate condizioni, effettuare versamenti retroattivi nel pilastro 3a per i dieci anni precedenti. Questa possibilità si applica qualora, durante tale periodo, non siano stati effettuati versamenti oppure i contributi siano stati solo parziali. Per usufruire di questa opportunità, è indispensabile aver (percepito) un reddito lavorativo soggetto all’AVS in Svizzera, sia nell’anno in cui si intende effettuare il riscatto, sia nell’anno per il quale si desidera recuperare o integrare i versamenti. I primi riscatti retroattivi saranno autorizzati a partire dal 2026 e riguarderanno i versamenti mancanti o incompleti relativi all’anno 2025.
Nota: le nuove disposizioni includono specifiche regolamentazioni volte a garantire la legittimità dei versamenti retroattivi nel pilastro 3a. Queste misure consentiranno alle autorità fiscali competenti di effettuare verifiche accurate anche a posteriori.
How do I open a retirement savings account 3a?
Do you not yet have a retirement savings account 3a? Open your retirement savings account 3a in just a few steps in e-finance and make your inpayment right away, either as a one-off sum or, ideally, as a “Maximum amount standing order”. This will guarantee the full amount is paid in every year. Next, you can choose between the “Account 3a” as an interest-bearing variant and the four “PF Pension – ESG Fund” retirement funds. With retirement funds, you can generate higher long-term returns than by leaving your money in the interest-bearing retirement savings account 3a. Like all investments, retirement funds are also subject to fluctuations.
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