Tenant legal protection: in safe hands at home


Disagreements with your landlord or problems with work not carried out properly in your home don’t just test your nerves: if they result in a legal dispute, they can also quickly lead to costly consequences. Tenants can protect themselves from that financial risk − with tenant legal protection.

Everyone wants to feel safe and secure in their own apartment. But peace at home can’t be taken for granted − especially if you’re renting your apartment or house. Tenants and landlords don’t always interpret their rights and obligations in the same way. Rental arrangements harbour a lot of potential for conflict, as the following examples show:

  • You’ve just moved into a new apartment and the landlord has promised you in writing to sort out some defects. But the agreed date has passed and they still haven’t sent someone round to resolve the problems, even though you’ve followed up on it several times. Now you need some support.
  • Your landlady wants to increase the rent. You don’t think the increase is lawful. You now need to get a professional assessment as a first step and then legal support as a second if you are able to contest the rent increase.
  • In agreement with your landlord, but at your own expense, you have the white walls in your bedroom painted pink. Unfortunately, due to a sloppy priming coat, the paint starts coming off again. You ask the painter to fix the damage but with no success. The painter doesn’t pick up your calls. Now you need someone to help you make things right.
  • You’ve moved out of your previous apartment. When handing the apartment back to your former landlady, she gave you written confirmation that you had not caused any damage. However, she is still withholding your deposit, even though you left the apartment seven months ago. Now you need professionals to help you get your money back, via legal action if necessary.
  • Something’s not right with your electricity bill. It’s seven times as high as the bills for the same period in the two previous years. As hard as you try, you can’t think of a reason for this increased usage. You want to defend yourself from having to pay this bill.

This is where tenant legal protection comes in

Tenants can stay on the safe side in situations such as those described above thanks to the “tenant legal protection” additional insurance, which you can take out as part of the PostFinance legal protection insurance, for example. It helps you clear up legal questions and covers any costs associated with settling disputes (if necessary in court) such as:

  • Disputes with the landlord of the apartment or house
  • Disputes arising from a contract or order relating to work on the rental property
  • Disputes relating to the insurance policies that cover the rental property
  • Disputes stemming from contracts regarding utility or phone/Internet contracts that were concluded for the rental property

Well protected around your rented home

Want to be on the safe side when renting? Then “tenant legal protection” additional cover as part of a private legal protection insurance policy is just the thing for you. You can calculate the premium conveniently and without obligation online. And if you find our offer compelling, you can take out your policy right there and then in just a few clicks.

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