E-bill and eBill – the differences


E-bills and eBill are similar at first glance, but not identical. The main difference lies in the invoice recipients. Whereas companies use e-bills, eBill has so far primarily been used to just send invoices to private individuals. Find out here what characteristics these two digital invoices have.

How e-bills work

E-bills are used in B2B transactions, in other words between two companies. Invoice recipients import the data directly into their accounting system, where they trigger the creditor workflow. This requires additional information that can be read from the machine-readable data.

An eInvoicing provider is responsible for the electronic exchange of data. Payment is made at the end of the creditor workflow when a payment order is issued to the bank. The benefits: if you decide to issue and receive e-bills, you will solely deal with these in your accounting software.

Companies who wish to increase the exchange of electronic invoices can go to The link will open in a new window eDirectory to find a comprehensive list of all business partners domiciled in Switzerland who wish to send and receive electronic invoices.

How eBill works

eBill is a service provided by Swiss banks, and is primarily used in B2C transactions, in other words between companies and private individuals (i.e. customers). The core component here is the eBill portal, which over 100 Swiss banks have integrated into their e-banking. This portal is operated by SIX on behalf of the banks. Companies can use eBill to send invoices directly from their accounting software to the e-banking accounts of their customers. The payment is then made from there.  

What you need to know to use eBill:

  • Customers add your company to their e-banking accounts using an invoice issuer search function.
  • In their e-banking accounts, customers are informed they can now pay by eBill when they pay their invoices, which they can agree to.
  • As an invoice issuer, you integrate eBill into your sales processes (customer portal or online shop), and customers can decide to use it.

Recipients make the difference

This comparison shows us that eBill is practical if you are active in the B2C sector and you regularly invoice customers for services. In the B2B sector, you must consider the specific needs of your whoever it is you are dealing with, for instance the range of invoice data. Generally speaking, this also requires detailed data that can be transferred between accounting systems. Today, this is only possible with e-bills.

Similarities between e-bills and eBill

Essentially, digital invoices can save you time, money and paper. This benefits both invoice issuers and recipients. In the medium term, digital invoices will become a widely accepted standard, and that goes for both e-bills and eBill.

Switch to digital invoices with PostFinance

Do you, as an invoice issuer, want to benefit from receiving payments quicker, or from lower shipping costs? And, at the same time, meet the growing digital needs of customers? If so, then switch to digital invoicing. The switch is well worth it: automated processes come with a lot of benefits in terms of receiving invoices too.

In order to switch to e-bills, you need an eInvoicing provider. PostFinance’s solution will give you access to the largest e-bill network in Switzerland. PostFinance is a well-established, single-source provider, and enables optimum connectivity between software providers and Interconnect partners.

Already using business software? In which case, the integrated e-billing solution is the perfect way to optimize your payment collection processes as quickly and as simply as possible. You can check the compatibility of your software with PostFinance here.

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