Define and implement your investment strategy properly


Investors have varying needs. Some might want security, whereas others might want to get the highest possible return. A smart investment strategy should meet your own individual requirements. It will form the basis and act as a compass for all the investment decisions in your portfolio. To help you make the right decisions, we have summarized the main things you need to know about investment strategy.

Investment strategy – what it’s all about

An investment strategy determines how the assets you want to invest in are invested and in which asset classes. Asset classes include shares, bonds, real estate and commodities. Before you decide on an investment strategy, you need to establish your investor profile. This describes your options, preferences and plans as an investor. 

The three factors that will determine your investor profile

Risk capacity, risk appetite and your investment horizon are crucial aspects of an investment profile. These are the foundations that will determine what your strategy should be in relation to risk. The different investment profiles can be categorized from cautious to balanced to risk-taking. Find out more in the article «What type of investor are you?».

How to define and implement your investment strategy

The right strategy will depend on how much risk you can and wish to assume. Generally speaking, a high proportion of shares in the portfolio entails more risk, but can also generate higher average returns. With a long-term investment horizon, you can also tend to take more risk – for example with a high proportion of shares in the portfolio – which gives you a greater chance of returns. This makes it easier to even out price fluctuations.

How to diversify your portfolio

Investing money is all about finding the mix of investment instruments that best suits you and your requirements. But always remember: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. To invest money successfully, you need to diversify your portfolio. Risk should be spread across as many different investments as possible. By spreading out investments, you can minimize the risks you take up to a certain point and get more from your money. Also read our article which includes a video “Diversification: why is it important?”.

Asset allocation funds offer an uncomplicated yet efficient way of putting together a diversified and broad-based portfolio. Read more in “Asset allocation funds: the right fund to suit every requirement”.

An investment strategy that has proven very effective and serves as a good starting point for many investors is the core/satellite strategy . Read more in our article “The core/satellite strategy: set your own priorities”.

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