PostFinance is looking for what top athletes usually have – a can-do mindset.


Through its partnership with Athletes Network, PostFinance supports athletes in their careers after retiring from sport. Former professional snowboarder Nevin Galmarini is courageous and full of determination – the type of mindset that fits perfectly with PostFinance.

PostFinance looks to support courageous, determined can-doers. Top athletes usually embody this mindset and are therefore an ideal fit for the PostFinance culture. In order to reach suitable candidates, PostFinance has entered into a partnership with Athletes Network. The unique network connects athletes with the business world so that they can start their career in the professional world after retiring from sport. Former professional snowboarder Nevin Galmarini is also a member of Athletes Network. However, starting a job at PostFinance as a Customer Support Officer for key accounts came about via a different route.

Nevin, how did you get into snowboarding and when did it become clear to you that you wanted to become a professional athlete?

As my mother was a ski racer, we were first and foremost a skiing family. But then my father and brother switched to snowboarding. When I was about ten years old, I also started snowboarding because I thought it was really cool. When I was 13, I joined the HIF Swiss International School and Sports Academy in Ftan as a hobby snowboarder. I was part of the junior national team by the time I graduated. During that time, I had of course dreamed of a professional career. But it only became a reality when I decided not to go on to study, but to focus fully on sport.

What does it take to have a successful sports career?

The right mindset, a good environment, clear goals and above all years of intensive training. It took me over ten years to become part of the elite. It helps if you have a competitive spirit and enjoy pitting yourself against others.

What were the highlights for you as a top athlete?

On a personal level, it was having the opportunity to be on the circuit as a professional until the age of 35, to make a living from it and achieving much more than I’d ever dreamed of. In terms of sport, it was the medals at the Olympic Games in Sochi (silver) and Pyoengchang (gold) – two great, unforgettable experiences – that opened many doors for me.

What challenges did you face after you ended your career?

I’d already started thinking about life after retirement early on and I started studying at the FFHS during my sports career. I first did a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and then a master’s degree in business administration with a focus on innovation management. Top athletes tend to live in a bubble. That’s why for me, the time I spent with my fellow students was very enriching. I also talked to athletes who had already taken the step and enjoyed support from the Athletes Network. It was important for me to discover myself, what I was capable of and what direction I wanted to take.

You have been in the Athletes Network since its inception. How exactly has the network helped you?

On the one hand, with a very valuable assessment of my situation. On the other, the network enables uncomplicated exchanges with decision-makers at partner companies. I highly recommend athletes to become members of the Athletes Network and get into contact with exciting companies like PostFinance.

But you didn’t come to PostFinance via the Athletes Network?

No. Towards the end of my career, I was invited by Swiss Olympic for an exchange as part of the coach training programme. A participant who works at PostFinance asked me what I wanted to do professionally, and that’s how we got in touch. I eventually had five job offers. To help me make up my mind, I did a utility analysis that included criteria such as job content, development opportunities and even salary. At the end of my analysis, PostFinance came out on top of the podium.

What makes PostFinance an attractive employer for top athletes?

Certainly the mindset of seeing change as a chance. For me, it was crucial that I had the opportunity to learn a lot and also to help shape things using what I’d learned. PostFinance also offers many different development opportunities, which appealed to me personally.

What aptitudes from the world of sport help you in your everyday professional life?

Firstly, the optimistic approach and nothing-is-impossible mindset. And secondly, the area of leadership. As an athlete, you have high expectations of your team and your environment. If you expect them to go the extra mile for you, you have to lead by example. It’s always been important to me that people exert an influence on and share know-how with each other. That’s the only way for everyone to get ahead.

Do you see any parallels between the world of sport and the world of work?

Both in sport and in business, you have to be innovative and willing to change or develop. For things to work, you have to be able to consciously adapt. I also believe that whatever you invest comes back to you at some point – “the sky’s the limit” is the motto I live by. The PostFinance culture fits my mindset perfectly.


Nevin Galmarini has been working for PostFinance as a Customer Support Officer for key accounts since June 2022 and is currently exploring whether to switch units.

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