Extend your mortgage

Extend your PostFinance mortgage

Give some thought to extending your mortgage in good time and secure your interest rate up to 18 months in advance. We would be pleased to provide you with personalized advice about the best way for you to continue financing your home.

How to extend your PostFinance mortgage

Get an overview of the usual steps in the process of extending your mortgage. We look forward to providing you with a suitable offer for the continuation of your financing. We would be happy to help if you have any questions.

Determine the time

Our specialists will contact you at an early stage to determine the time that is best for you and start the extension process. You are also welcome to contact us in advance to plan your extension.

  • When extending your mortgage, timing plays a crucial role. Start making arrangements for your follow-up financing at least one year before the end of your current contract. With a forward mortgage from PostFinance, you can fix the new terms and conditions up to 18 months in advance. This is particularly attractive if interest rates are expected to rise in the medium to long term.

    Go to the interest rate forecast
    More about forward mortgages

    You can find the expiry date and further information on your current mortgage at any time in your overview of assets in e-finance.

    E-finance login

Clarify your needs

Does your mortgage still suit your circumstances and the current interest rate situation? Take advantage of an extension of your mortgage as a good opportunity to go through the numbers with us and review your options. 

  • We will review your file together to determine whether your existing mortgage still meets your current needs. If this is the case, you should consider a one-to-one extension. 

  • Do you need additional funds for your home, for example because you are thinking about renovating it? Increasing your mortgage can give you the flexibility you need.

    Our renovation calculator enables you to estimate what needs to be done, how much it will cost and what subsidies are available for improving energy performance.

    Go to the renovation calculator

  • Are your circumstances or the interest rate environment changing? If this is the case, you may be able to benefit from adjusting your term or mortgage model. Find out more about our models and discuss your individual situation with our specialists.

    A comparison of mortgages

Extend your mortgage with PostFinance

We will examine your current situation by phone or in person on our premises and make you a financing offer.

  • Because you are already a customer and we are familiar with your file, we can easily provide you with a personalized offer for your extension.

    Our specialists will contact you to consider the right offer for you on the basis of your current situation. We will discuss your needs together and offer you the best possible solution. Once you have made your decision, we will take care of arranging a definitive and smooth extension of your mortgage. And we will also be there for you after completion.

We would be happy to advise you

Discuss your goals, financial requirements and possible conditions with our specialists. 

Frequently asked questions about extending your mortgage

  • Because you already have a mortgage with PostFinance, we can use your existing file for the extension. This means that much of your basic information is already on record, simplifying the process for you.

    However, it may be a good idea to update your mortgage file, for example if you have renovated. Up-to-date and complete documentation enables us to accurately assess your current financial situation and the condition of your property. This can have a positive impact on the terms and conditions of your mortgage and may provide you with better interest rates or other benefits. 

    We recommend talking to our specialists to find out exactly which documents will need to be submitted, as this can vary depending on your situation.

  • Yes. In the event that you extend, you can switch your current mortgage model to a different product.

  • The question of whether it is worthwhile paying off your mortgage depends on various factors, such as your financial goals, the current interest rate situation and your other investment options. Tax considerations are also relevant here.

    Read our blog “Direct and indirect mortgage amortization” to find out everything you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of amortization.