Interest rate forecast for mortgages

Another cut to Swiss policy rates has reduced the cost of Saron mortgages again. However, fixed-rate mortgages remain attractive due to low capital market interest rates by historical comparison.

Current economic outlook

Status as at: 24.06.2024
Editorial deadline: 25.06.2024

Saron mortgages became even more attractive in mid-June after the Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) second interest rate cut. With a policy rate  of 1.25 percent, money market interest rates now stand at the level of inflation rates again. This is remarkably low by historical comparison. As another sharp rise in inflation  is not expected, the conditions for stability on the Swiss interest market appear to have been created.

The fact that Swiss inflation has reentered the range equated with price stability is also due to our weak economic performance. Per capita income in Switzerland has not risen for over two and a half years – the result of weak global demand for industrial goods and the economic weakness of our northern neighbour Germany. This headwind looks set to hold back Swiss economic growth into the coming winter.

A weak economy  can also lead to low capital market interest rates  for extended periods and, in turn, attractive interest rates on long-term fixed-rate mortgages. Interest rates on 10-year Swiss federal government bonds, for example, currently stand at just over 0.5 percent. We believe that this may be just a temporary development. If the economy picks up in winter, a slight rise in capital market interest rates may be expected.

Interest rate forecast for PostFinance mortgages

The table shows our mortgage interest rate forecast for various terms. We do not expect a significant change for the time being. As inflation is still falling, the SNB may even cut interest rates again in the autumn, which would lead to a further reduction in Saron interest rates. Expectations of another cut to interest rates could cause long-term mortgages to trend sideways. If the economy improves this year, however, interest rates on fixed-rate mortgages would then be expected to rise.

Forecast for3 months6 months12 months
Forecast for
3 months
6 months
12 months
Forecast for
5-year fixed-rate mortgae
3 months
6 months
12 months
Forecast for
7-year fixed-rate mortgage
3 months
6 months
12 months
Forecast for
10-year fixed-rate mortgage
3 months
6 months
12 months

Key for table 〉 ­­

Development of mortgage rates in Switzerland

With the relaxation of monetary policy after the global financial crisis, both the short-term Saron rate and medium- and long-term mortgage rates have fallen. It was not until the SNB tightened its monetary policy again in response to the sharp rise in inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic that the level of interest rates rose significantly again. In March and June 2024, however, the SNB lowered its policy rate again. These and other expected relaxation steps were gratefully received on the capital market, with interest on long-term mortgages falling.

In percent

The graphic shows the interest performance for five- and ten-year fixed-rate mortgages and the three-month SARON since the 2008 financial crisis. After a long phase of expansive monetary policy and falling interest rates, the interest level has increased significantly over the past two years. However, interest rates are on a downward trend again this year.
Source: SIX, figures up to and including December 2021 based on Libor and from January 2022 on Saron.

A Saron or fixed-rate mortgage

PostFinance’s attractiveness index indicates that fixed-rate mortgages have become less attractive again. In particular, the SNB’s decision to lower its policy rates twice this year is making short-term money market financing solutions, such as Saron mortgages, increasingly attractive. However, fixed-rate mortgages are currently still more attractive than short-term money market financing options due to historically low capital market interest rates, although this may change in the foreseeable future. We expect capital market interest rates to rise slightly again from winter, which would increase the finance charges of fixed-rate mortgages once more. Another cut to policy rates in the autumn is a very real possibility, and this would make fixed-rate mortgages even less attractive.

This graphic shows the development of the attractiveness of fixed-rate mortgages. As part of efforts to tackle inflation, Swiss policy rates rose sharply after the COVID-19 crisis. This made fixed-rate mortgages more attractive. The relaxation of monetary policy is making Saron mortgages less expensive again and, in turn, more attractive.
Source: PostFinance Ltd, SNB, SIX, Web Financial Group, SECO, KOF
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    Fixed-rate mortgage

    Perfect when interest rates are low and expected to rise You’re protected against interest rate rises and can plan your costs precisely.

    Term and interest rate

    Saron mortgage

    The Saron mortgage is ideal when interest rates are high to average and when rate cuts are expected. The interest rate can fluctuate significantly during the term, depending on the market situation. However, the option of switching to a PostFinance fixed-rate mortgage during the term means you remain flexible.

    Term and interest rate

  • Single-family homes and condominiums

    Real estate prices for apartments rose again in the last quarter, albeit less sharply than during the previous quarter. In contrast, single-family home prices have stabilized. This trend variance is largely explained by the current high prices for single-family homes. After the pandemic, single-family home prices have climbed much more sharply than those for apartments. The former may now have reached a price level where apartments are seen as more affordable. The value of rental properties has clearly risen again. Further rent rises – permitted by the increase in the reference interest rate – have played a key role in this.

    Price index, January 2000 = 100

    The graphic shows the price trend for single-family homes, rental properties and apartments. After prices for owner-occupied properties and, in particular, single-family homes rose sharply during the COVID-19 crisis, there were signs of normalization. However, prices have soared again of late.
    Source: SFSO

    Interested in real estate as an investment opportunity? In our Investment compass under “Market overview”, you will find an analysis of the current real estate market in Switzerland.

  • IndicatorsQ2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2023202320242025
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    Net immigration
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    EUR/CHF exchange rate
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    Source: Bloomberg, Allfunds Tech Solutions, BfS

  • This document and the information and statements it contains are for information purposes only and do not constitute either an invitation to tender, a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to buy the related products. The customer or third parties are responsible for their own actions and bear sole responsibility for compliance with legal and regulatory provisions and guidelines. PostFinance has used sources considered reliable and credible. However, PostFinance cannot guarantee that this information is correct, accurate, reliable, up to date or complete and excludes any liability to the extent permitted by law. Information on interest rates and prices is up to date, but the actual development may deviate from these forecasts at any time. The content of this document is based on various assumptions. This means that the information and opinions are not a fixed basis for your financing decision. We recommend consulting an expert before making decisions.

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