Model portfolios – Swiss focus

valid from 18.02.2025

Adjustment within equities

After an initially subdued start to the new year, the financial markets picked up speed again last month. The Swiss stock market in particular made strong gains. This was mainly due to the index heavyweights, which were able to impress with good annual results. At the same time, however, it became apparent that the threat of a trade war between the USA and its trading partners was becoming a reality. This could hit the concentrated Swiss equity market hard. Against this backdrop, we are realizing gains on the Swiss equity market and closing our overweight in favour of the European equity market.

Interest income

Liquidity 3,5%, income 68%, equities 15%, alternative investments 13,5%
Source: PostFinance


Liquidity 4%, income 53%, equities 30%, alternative investments 13%
Source: PostFinance


Liquidity 5%, income 33%, equities 50%, alternative investments 12%
Source: PostFinance


Liquidity 4%, income 13%, equities 70%, alternative investments 13%
Source: PostFinance

Capital gains

Liquidity 4,5%, income 0%, equities 88%, alternative investments 7,5%
Source: PostFinance
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