CH-DD Direct Debit scheme (Swiss Direct Debit)

Pay recurring invoices easily

With our CH-DD Core Direct Debit scheme (Swiss COR1 Direct Debit), amounts due are debited directly from your account. This means you pay your invoices with minimum effort. The scheme is ideal for recurring invoices such as telephone or electricity bills.

CH-DD Direct Debit scheme: with minimum effort

  • Set it up once and pay recurring invoices on time

  • Save time with automatic initiation of payments

  • Resource-saving electronic payment processing

  • The CH-DD Core Direct Debit scheme is free of charge

  • 30-day right of objection


CH-DD Direct Debit is offered in two formats:

  • CH-DD Core Direct Debit (Swiss COR1 Direct Debit) with right of objection
  • CH-DD B2B Direct Debit (Swiss B2B Direct Debit) without right of objection

The CH-DD Core Direct Debit with right of objection is available to private customers.

What do you need to do?

  1. Ask the invoice issuer if they offer the CH-DD Core Direct Debit scheme
  2. If so, ask the invoice issuer for a direct debit payment authorization form.
  3. By signing the form, you authorize the biller to debit any amounts due directly from your account on the due date

You have the right to cancel debits by written instruction to the Operations Center within 30 days of dispatch of the account statement. In the event of an objection, the following details will be required: your own postal account number or IBAN, the booking date, the amount and the name and address of the biller.

PostFinance Ltd
Scan Center
3002 Bern

  • With the CH-DD Direct Debit scheme, you authorize the invoice issuer to debit the invoice amount directly from your PostFinance account on the due date. As the payer, you provide the invoice issuer with a written and signed payment authorization. A standing order is a regular transfer that you instruct PostFinance to make.

  • This is a very individual matter. It is possible that the invoice issuer will attempt to debit your account again or send you an invoice. It is best to contact the invoice issuer and clarify the next steps.

  • The CH-DD Direct Debit is executed only if the agreed overdraft limit for direct debits is not exceeded. In general, this is CHF 200.

    The overdraft limit can be adjusted by sending a written request to the PostFinance Operations Center.

    PostFinance AG
    Scan Center
    3002 Bern

  • Yes, as the account holder, you can send a written request to PostFinance to restrict CH-DD Direct Debits. The account can be excluded from the CH-DD Direct Debit scheme for all direct debits or, based on the invoice issuer’s identification number, you can allow or exclude direct debits by a particular invoice issuer.

    You can send any relevant restrictions or exceptions in writing to the following address:

    PostFinance AG
    Scan Center
    3002 Bern

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