The preparation phase for starting a business is the most time-intensive. But you will save on complications when you start your business if you have all your documents together and have already clarified details such as insurance, authorizations and financing.
Generally, you should be able to tick off these points on the checklist:
- Make a business plan: Before you can start your actual preparations, you have to know what your company’s concept will be.
- Clarify legal issues: What contracts will you need during your activities? Find answers to this question promptly and prepare them before you start your activities.
- Get authorizations: Before you start, you should know which authorizations your work requires and get them.
- Declare self-employment: As a sole proprietorship, your company is not a legal entity and does not have its own legal entity; you as the owner and natural person must be the legal entity. You should therefore declare to your compensation office as soon as possible whether your activity fulfils the preconditions of self-employment under AHV insurance law.
- Declare self-employment: As a sole proprietorship, your company is not a legal entity and does not have its own legal entity; you as the owner and natural person must be the legal entity. You should therefore declare to your compensation office as soon as possible whether your activity fulfils the preconditions of self-employment under AHV insurance law.
- Clarify insurance issues: Get offers for occupational insurance. What you have to insure depends on whether you have employees or not, and what industry they are active in.
Generally speaking, it’s recommended you as the owner have the following insurance policies:
- Obligatory: old-age and surviving dependants insurance, disability insurance, loss of earnings compensation and child allowances
- Optional: pension fund
- Optional: daily allowance insurance
- Optional: accident insurance
Please note that although only old-age and surviving dependants insurance, disability insurance, loss of earnings compensation and child allowances are obligatory, the optional insurance types are recommended depending on your situation.
If you employ staff, you must register them with the insurance entities and handle their insurance.